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沉浸在罗马历史的层叠中Immersion in the layers of Rome

要想流利你需要时间和专心练习。Fluency requires time and immersion.

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我们发现最好的方法是专心。The best way I’ve found is immersion.

浸水后,良好的颜色保持性。Good colour retention after immersion.

有如巨人冒出了海水的泡浸。Arise like Titan from the sea's immersion.

那里实际上就有英韩双语教学。that actually had a Korean immersion program.

这是浸没式加热器所要承担的任务。And that's where the immersion heaters come in.

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方法采用浸渍法和药浴法。Methods Immersion method and shampoos were used.

不能用于酸、碱和溶剂的浸渍环境下。Immersion service in acids, alkalies or solvents.

我认为基督徒洗礼是浸洗。I think that the Christian Baptism is by immersion.

我为什么要沉浸在过去的伤悲之内?Why do I have to immersion in the past of sorrowful?

参加了一个语言浸入项目。to do a sort of, you know, language immersion program.

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我喜欢这种沉浸在童话里的感觉,是那么的亲切!I like the feeling of immersion in fairy tales, so kind!

在浸泡前建议对软式内镜进行泄漏试验。Leak testing is recommended for flexible endoscopes before immersion.

而对于其他人来说,浸渍于城市生活的喧嚣或许正好合适。For others, immersion into the bustle of city life is just the ticket.

自1960年以来,采用了许多水平浸提装置。Since 1960, many horizontal immersion extractors have been introduced.

从理疗学的观点看,热水洗脚是一种浸浴疗法。From the physical point of view, hot bath foot is an immersion therapy.

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方法淡色库蚊抗性测定采用浸泡法。Methods Culex pipiens pallens resistance determined by immersion method.

孩子在这样的教室里仅仅是深入学习新的语言。Childen in immersion programs hear only the new langage in the classroom.

为初高中学生提供封闭式ESL学习环境。Immersion ESL program available for junior high and high school students.