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糖和牛奶都要加。Sugar and milk.

我好爱喝木瓜牛奶。I love papaya milk.

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这奶是给我喝的吗?Is the milk for me?

然而独独没有包括母乳。But not breast milk.

把你的牛奶喝完。Finish up your milk.

这是一头出奶期中的母牛。It is a cow in milk.

桶内装着牛奶。The pail holds milk.

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两满杯牛奶。Two cupfuls of milk.

牛奶凝结了。The milk has curdled.

牛奶有酸味了。The milk smells sour.

牛奶有酸味。The milk tastes sour.

那你榨不出奶来。You can't milk those.

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加入玉米和牛奶。Add the corn and milk.

所有的牛奶都在那。All the milk is there.

将牛奶微热。Heat milk to lukewarm.

不要牛奶,我正在减肥。No milk. I'm slimming.

在当地开了一家奶茶店。Runs a milk tea house.

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猫舔食牛奶。The cat laps its milk.

牛奶每升价格三十便士。Milk costs 30p a litre.

牛奶是分等级出售的。Milk is sold in grades.