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他们的眼睛里充满了友善与和蔼。Their eyes were full of friendliness and bonhomie.

艺术家们最清楚地感受到了这个城市的温厚和敦良。That bonhomie is perhaps most clearly felt by the city’s artists.

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以往类如眼下一团和气之时,发展“走向未来”关系的希望都最终化为泡影。For all the bonhomie now, past hopes for “future-oriented” relations have often been frustrated.

奥巴马和布什决定演出一场善意秀,他们互相握手,表面看起来一团和气。Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie.

胡计划中快乐的“乒乓外交”已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong.

尽管美国对中国的日渐强大感到忧虑,两国政府都希望能表露出令人感到安慰的友好。Amid unease in America over China's growing muscle, both governments hoped to demonstrate a reassuring bonhomie.

90年代以来他在中东当Total的首席,如此温和使他受同事、顾客和分析者钟爱。Such bonhomie has endeared him to colleagues, clients and analysts since his days as Total’s chief for the Middle East in the 1990s.

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我还清楚地记得他出生的那个周末,当时我们的朋友正在剑桥附近参加一个户外音乐会。And I vividly remember that the weekend he was born our mutual friends were in a field near Cambridge, enjoying the bands and bonhomie.

我还清楚地记得他出生的那个周末,当时我们的朋友正在剑桥附近参加一个户外音乐会。And I vividly remember that the weekend he was born our mutual friends were in a field near Cambridge, enjoying the bands and bonhomie. I texted them the good news.

但在这富于温情诗意的友谊背后,中国与这个位于东南方的贫穷邻国、旧日盟友的关系却远非一帆风顺。But behind the bonhomie and poems of friendship, China's relationship with its impoverished southeastern neighbor and erstwhile ally formerly known as Burma is deeply troubled.

就连工党政府2005年申办成功的伦敦奥运,也培育了足够的举国欢欣鼓舞,让保守党政府挺过了经济停滞以及2012年的糟糕预算。Even the London Games, won by a Labour government in 2005, fostered enough national bonhomie to see the Conservatives through the economic stagnation and botched Budgets of 2012.

在世界杯期间,政府整合了众多的南非人民,现在世界杯已经结束了,他们不想再回到以前地位不同,收入不均的时候。And even then, it unified a wide range of South Africans who, now that the tournament has ended, don't want to give up the nationalist bonhomie for the income inequality that stratified them before.