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她叫着,连吹口哨三声。Quoth she and whistles thrice.

也许一次或两次或最高三次。Maybe once or twice or maximum thrice.

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再次欢迎你,春之骄客!Thrice welcome, darling of the Spring!

他的头象这样上下三次升沉。And thrice his head thus waving up and down.

这已经是第三次选民们对这样的条约说不了。Voters have thrice said no to this mess of pottage.

看了我的呼吸频率,等了一会儿,又重复了三次这样的诊察。He waits awhile. He repeats these observations thrice.

使夏至三倍受欢迎,三倍希奇。Makes summer's welcome, thrice more wished, more rare.

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三次及脱落男孩听了藏王而成长。Thrice and Fall Out Boy listened to Zao while growing up.

可以再一再二,决不可再三再四。One can make the same mistake once even twice but never thrice.

三次当选非洲足球先生的埃托奥是非洲的偶像。An idol in Africa, where he's thrice been Footballer of the Year.

你所有的男子一年三次应到上主台前来。Thrice a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God.

一天三次,一次一丸。如果连用三天不见效果,您就让他到医院检查。One pill a time, thrice daily. Please go to see a doctor if there.

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书中最让我感动的故事是“三打白骨精”。Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice is one of its most brilliant plots.

而能源、食品价格增加到原本的两、三倍,甚至更多。The prices on energy and food staples increased twice, thrice or even more.

三而一的神如何完成这项伟大的工作,使我们全然成圣?How does the Thrice -holy God accomplish this great work of sanctifying us wholly?

有三次他们路过无垢者守卫,他们像石雕般站立着。Thrice they passed Unsullied guards, standing as if they had been carved from stone.

如此,他轮迴转了三个时代的化身,最后第三次出生是以赫密士斯闻名。As such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as Hermes, the thrice -born.

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因惊慌而鄙陋火影忍者受三倍我们约会吧诅咒,因聚划算将被奴役并受苦!Thrice cursed are the weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and suffer! ,

钢琴家最后对同一个和弦敲击了三次,然后加速进入G小调的齐奏。The pianist at last smashes down the same chord thrice before speeding up the keys in unison G minor.

红旗演习是美国空军在内利斯空军空军举行的一场多国参与的演习,每年举行3次。Exercise Red Flag is a multinational air exercise that is held thrice a year at Nellis Air Force base, USA.