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把撬棍给我!Pry stick to me!

用棒槌敲打。To beat with a stick.

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他是一个十足的木头人。He is a regular stick.

棍子断成两截。The stick broke in two.

你坚持节食了吗?Do you stick with diets?

我是泥坑中的棍子。意指”我是保守的人”。I am a stick in the mud.

要把胶水放在手边。Keep a glue stick handy.

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不会漆测量竿的。Not the measuring stick.

神来一笔即黄金!God with a Stick is Gold.

一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣。Stick a hook on the wall.

在大洋洲上贴一只树袋熊。Stick a koala on Oceania.

耙标签粘铁在你的手提箱上。Stick a on your suitcase.

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夹紧你的十二指肠!Stick it up your duodenum!

他向他们挥动手杖。He waved the stick at them.

选择其中一个,坚持使用下去。Pick one and stick with it.

真正的男人开手动档车。Real men drive stick shift.

用糨糊粘纸。Stick the paper with paste.

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脂肪粒,黏住男人眼!The fat granule, stick man!

长曲棍球运动中使用的球。The stick used in lacrosse.

你能驾驶人工换挡的车吗?Can you drive a stick shift?