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严冷冬日的一碗热蔬菜汤。My hot veggie soup on a cold day.

素食和肉食都有的晚餐。The dinner with all the veggie and the gravy.

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农夫在菜田采番茄时。While picking up tomatoes from the veggie area.

用任何应季的蔬菜和其他东西。using whatever veggie and things are in season.

让我们为素食馅饼和酱油肉欢呼!Let's have a cheer for veggie patties and soy-meats!

满是野菜香的浓绿卤汁。Full of wild veggie aromatic is the deep green juice.

她提醒我将药片藏在素食干酪里面。I was instructed to hide the pill inside some veggie cheese.

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我照章办事,将药片混在素食干酪里面。I did as instructed and put the pill inside the veggie cheese.

或者,可以试试蔬菜辣椒或意大利蔬菜汤或碎豌豆汤吗?Or, how about veggie chili or a bowl of minestrone or split pea soup?

帮你自己和主人家一个忙,把大部分的素食吃了。Do yourself and the host a favor by eating mostly from the veggie tray.

我发现我们社区的一家杂货店里有素食香肠。I found these veggie bratwursts at one of my neighborhood grocery store.

烹饪黄豆的时候加上一些素食者钟爱所的胡萝卜、洋葱、大蒜和椰菜花,用橄榄油小火嫩煎。Make a bean and veggie sauté using carrots, onions, garlic and broccoli florets in olive oil.

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或许,你要放到面酱里的蔬菜,在素食皮塔饼里就有。Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.

那猫很快吃光了所有的干酪,它还很有技巧地绕着药片吃。The cat not only ate all of the veggie cheese, he also somehow managed to eat around the pill.

主要成分是西红柿和辣椒的莎莎酱可以增加人体蔬菜摄入量。Based mostly on tomato and chilli, a good salsa can be a great way to boost your veggie intake.

有太多的人试图用蔬菜故事、戏剧和木偶剧使上帝的话更好。Too many people try to make the Word of God better with Veggie Tales, dramas, and puppet shows.

但是我也允许自己偶尔放任一下,吃一些蔬菜披萨,一些糖果和一些宴请。But I also allow myself some indulgences, including veggie pizza, some sweets, and other treats.

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每天下午五点钟左右,侯辉仟都会到营地里的那三块各自种着不同蔬菜的菜地去转转。Around 5pm each afternoon, Hou would take a walk to the three different veggie plots inside the compound.

素菜片和新的不饱和脂肪土豆片是我们常吃的垃圾食品最好的替代品。Veggie chips and the new saturated-fat-free potato chips are great substitutes for the crap we used to eat.

早餐可以吃一碗老式的肉桂葡萄干麦片粥,外加素食香肠。Breakfast might be a bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins, with veggie sausage on the side.