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因为它公开宣布的和平宪法?Is it the avowedly pacifist constitution?

换句话说,他的政治纲领公开地带有主观性。His creed, in other words, was avowedly subjective.

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但最糟糕的是,基本的歌曲公然没有站在正确的顺序。But the worst is that the essential songs avowedly do not stand in the proper order.

如今,像这样在互联网上公然叫卖走私货的网店不少。Nowadays, resemble peddling avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not little.

首相和总统会荷枪实弹对准公开的党派政治化的委员会主席吗?Do prime ministers and presidents want to hand loaded guns to an avowedly party-political commission president?

本以为案件就此结束,麦坤的同伙竟公然在运送麦坤的途中截车救人!This thinking that the case ends at this point, mai Kun's partner is avowedly unexpectedly in the road that carries Mai Kun cut car helps a person!

随着网上购物的普及,不法分子也在网上注册店铺,并公然在网上销赃走私货。Gain ground as what shop on the net, illegal element also registers shop on the net, smuggle goods in the disposal of stolen or contraband goods on the net avowedly.

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宋朝的官妓,从宽录取,不但把罪人家属当公娼,甚至公然去抢来,逼良为娼!Government-owned prostitute of Song Chao, from wide admit, not only become malefactor family member male prostitute, be grabbed even avowedly come, force fine is prostitute!

一个由他的支持者组成的委员会正在起草一项宪法修正案,以将委内瑞拉转变为一个公然的社会主义国家,并同时允许总统能够无限地再度当选。A committee of his supporters is drafting a constitutional reform to turn Venezuela into an avowedly socialist country, and to allow the president to stand for re-election indefinitely.

假如说他把刚果当成个人封地,那么大英帝国显现出来的,充其言也不过是一个几乎不具更多代议制的寡头政治体,大权操纵在一个野心勃勃的白种人集团,走的是公开宣扬的“贵族”线路。If his Congo was a personal fief, the British empire stands revealed as a scarcely more representative oligarchy, organised on avowedly “aristocratic” lines by a clique of white men on the make.