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兴中变压器用户信赖的品牌!Xingzhong transformeruser reliant quality brand!

在这个阶段需以母狮的奶存活。At this stage they are reliant on their mother's milk.

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这是因为经济体正在越来越少的依赖于那些高耗能的工厂。The economy is less reliant on energy-inefficient factories.

他们大多数都是靠降雨耕作的小农户。Most are small scale farming communities reliant on rainfall.

中国经济虽然出现了企稳回升,但是许多企业的经营状况还没有根本好转,它们主要靠政策的支撑。And in China many companies are still reliant on policy support.

中国放慢了分析家说,百盛集团在几年内第一次将更依赖美国商业的增长。As China slows, analysts said Yum will be more reliant on growth from its U. S.

全球互联网的连接正是依赖着连接不同国家的海底线缆。Global internet connectivity is reliant on sub-sea cables connecting countries.

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日本资源馈乏,并且依赖出口推动经济。Japan has scant natural resources, and is reliant on exports to fuel its economy.

对一个如此依赖于信贷和消费者信心的产业而言,它将何去何从呢?What are the prospects for an industry so reliant on credit and consumer confidence?

但是工厂内部,有些已经高度自动化,而有些则仍然很令人惊讶地依赖人力。But inside, some are highly automated while some are amazingly reliant on hand labor.

民用核能将降低印度对不稳定的石油和天然气来源的依赖。Civilian nuclear energy will make it less reliant on unstable sources of oil and gas.

在我们做道德行为决定时,我们应该如何信赖谙熟道德者的意见?How reliant should we be on expert opinion in making decisions about ethical conduct?

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许多银行的流动性要么期限变得更短,要么就是依赖政府的措施。Liquidity for many banks is getting shorter-term or is reliant on government measures.

那时没有照相机,你只能依靠木刻或钢雕的肖像。There wasn't a camera, so you were reliant on likenesses from wood or steel engravings.

和奥巴马政府其他政策的特点一样,这一政策谨小慎微,并仰赖各方达成共识。Like other trademark Obama-administration policies, it is cautious and reliant on consensus.

美国,作为最依赖计算机的国家,也是最容易遭受网络攻击的国家。America, as the country most reliant on computers, is probably most vulnerable to cyber-attack.

诸如巴坦杏、桃、鳄梨和杏子这样的农作物完全依赖蜜蜂授粉。Crops such as almonds, peaches, avocados and apricots are totally reliant upon bee pollination.

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非常自力更生的能力时,通过血液独奏的自我治疗,因为他们造成伤害。Very self reliant when soloing through Blood abilities that heal themselves as they deal damage.

这对于那些相信长寿靠遗传化妆品人而言可能还是新闻。This may be news to some people who believed reaching old age was more reliant on genetic makeup.

2005年,干旱和作物缺氮让500万马拉维人依赖于食品援助。In 2005, drought and nitrogen deficiency in crops left five million Malawians reliant on food aid.