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她刚才吃了一个大苹果。She ate a big apple jus tnow.

强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL.

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脑子里一个细细的声音说道,就一条裤子呗。Said a little voice. They're jus pants.

市民法之价值核心,即自由。The value core of jus civile is freedom.

将烤盘备用,以制作波特酒汁。Reserve roasting pan for the port wine jus.

之后在我们的手推车上切好,为您服务。It is then cut on our trolly and served au jus.

物权会议的任务在我最美丽的你几年。Jus task for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

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用百里香茎、完整的栗子波特酒汁做装饰。Decorate with thyme sprigs, whole chestnut and port wine jus.

考虑一下吧。你回归本队,然后帮助我们赢得冠军。Jus think about it . you come back and you heip us win the championship.

研究了JUS有机硅凝胶与各种材料的相容性问题。In this paper, the compatibility of JUS organ polysiloxane gel was studied.

他物权为我国物权法制定中的最大难点。Jura in re aliana is a major difficulty in the making of China's jus in rem.

如果人生面对的最大苦难只是死亡,那还有什么可以害怕的呢?If the greatest disaster in life is jus death, what else can be more frightening ?

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澳大利亚牛眼肉配以土豆泥,胡萝卜,芦笋和黑胡椒汁。On a bed of Cheese Potato Mash, Grilled Baby Carrots, Asparagus and Black pepper Jus.

主餐罗西尼式小牛菲力配野菇义式炖饭及芦笋,鸭肝佐松露酱汁,海盐。Veal Rossini on Wild Mushroom Risotto Asparagus, Duck Liver, Sea Salt and Truffle Jus.

承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree.

违反强行法的法律行为无效是各国的共同规则,可称为法律行为生效的“适法规范”。It is a common principle in all countries that juristic acts that violate jus cogens are invalid.

为了这次活动﹐就算忙著巡游中国和韩国也特别抽出时间飞来这里。Siwon from Super Junior flew out from his busy schedule of touring in China, and Korea jus for this.

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佐以烤鸭配奶油甘薯、小白菜及酸梅无以尚之。A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara, with Baby Bok Choy & Jus of Pickled Plums.

他不应该从任何人那里得到尊重,就是因为他不懂如何尊重他人。He does not deserve to win any respect from any body jus because he do not know how to respect others.

国际强行法是二战后最有争议的问题之一。The International jus cogens is the most controversial issue in international law after World War Two.