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申请领取营业所需布草。Requisition linen required for business.

可以征用食品和厨房用品。May requisition food and kitchen supplies.

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最后,他终于接到面试通知单。At last, He finalizes receive interview requisition.

当局常因筑路之需而征用土地。The authorities often requisition land for highways.

如果你提出书面申请,他们就会拨给你资金。They will allocate funds to you if you requisition it.

请求端口能够使用任何类来定义它的类型。The requisition port can use any class to define its type.

军方向村民下了征购粮食的命令。The army made a requisition on the villagers for provisions.

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商业性征地必须按市场价格补偿。The commercial requisition of land should be compensated in marketing price.

申请表将直接传递给洗衣房服务员和副署。The requisition form will be directly handed to the Laundry attendant and countersigned.

国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests.

你必需填写采办需求单,并让你的打点者签字。You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor.

帮助审核收货记录、送货单与采购申请单上的各项内容是否相符。Helps to check and match invoices or delivery order with purchase order or purchase requisition.

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土地征用是具有复合性质的法律行为,由此引起复合性的法律关系。Requisition of land is a kind of compound legal action, Which causes compound legal relationship.

在前面的请求阶段中,确定了每个列和行所需的像素大小。In the previous requisition phase, the required pixel size for each column and row was determined.

对领用和交货进行记录,做到帐物相符。Meanwhile, record the requisition and delivery, and ensure the compliance between accounts and goods.

材料申领套包里的文件参照表里列有技术文献。Technical Docunments are listed on the Docunment Reference Sheet of the Material Requisition Package.

我国农地征用中有关土地补偿费的现实矛盾十分突出。There is a striking real contradiction of land compensation in our countrys requisition of rural land.

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因此,需要日本提供详细的要求,我将向联邦各州征调这种机器人。Therefore, the need to provide details of Japan's request, I will requisition the robot federal states.

这一进程是在五四运动后开启的。This process begins from after May 4th Movement, in which the historical requisition had been provided.

论述了需求分析的重要性,并详细叙述了系统需求分析的过程。Meanwhile the process of development for system requisition analysis has also been explicated in detail.