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早早开始,一日之计在于晨。Start early.

那就从这开始。Start there.

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慢慢来。Start slowly.

先放一篇旧文,一个开始。It is a start.

咱们正式开始上课Let's start now.

但是该如何开始呢?But how to start?

我先来说一个吧Here. I'll start.

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启动网桥。Start the bridge.

我们开始走过去。We start walking.

我们开始,停下来。We start.We stop.

这是一个好的开始。It’s a good start.

现在你可以试讲了。Now you can start.

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但是从何开始呢?But where to start?

自定义起始页。Custom Start Pages.

开始和结束日期.Start and end date.

为什么起始速度慢?Why the slow start?

启动的路径错了。Wrong way to start.

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启动消防泵。Start the fire pump.

那山的新起点。That 's a new start.

并且开始打造品牌。And, start brand-ing.