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幼儿耳内划伤怎么办?How does the cut inside cheeper ear do?

幼儿呕吐腹泻该怎么办?How should cheeper vomiting diarrhoea do?

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幼儿得了肠系膜淋巴结怎么医治呢?Did cheeper get mesentery lymph node how cure?

夏天幼儿怎样预防病毒性脑炎?How does cheeper prevent summer virus sex encephalitis?

它似乎只是提供廉价劳动力和消费者。It seems just offering cheeper working forces and consumers.

由两个人双手相搭成桥状,作为“山洞”,幼儿排队依次从洞下钻过。By two hands in a cave, and a "bridge", cheeper line up from the hole drill.

那个真实的她,像在蛋壳里窒息得过久的鸡雏,渐渐苏醒过来。The real one, like a cheeper chicken suffocated in the egg, came to herself.

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他明显是个雏,我有心让他快乐,使出了浑身解数。He is a cheeper apparently, I make him purposely happy, exert all over skill.

那么,如何利用民间游戏培养幼儿的合作能力呢?So , how to use civilian game to develop the cooperative ability of cheeper ?

为什么幼儿打完防疫针以后会有发烧的不良反应?Why can there be fevered undesirable reaction after cheeper hits inoculation?

在这种“淘金热潮”中,你无疑会淘到自己想要的。In the "Gold Rush", definitely, you will find what you want, cheeper and better.

白菜汁中的维生素a,可以促进幼儿发育成长和预防夜盲症。The vitamin A in Chinese cabbage juice, can promote cheeper to development grows and prevent nyctalopia.

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硅橡胶模离心浇注装置结构简单,投资少。The structure of apparatus of centrifugal casting by silicon rubber mold is simpler and its cost is cheeper.

可见,让幼儿通过计算机这种媒体来有效地学习是一种必然的趋向。Visible, let cheeper pass the computer this kind of media will learn effectively is a kind of inevitable trend.

从幼儿到博士到出国留学英语,哪种培训市场人数量大需求大?。Arrive to the doctor from cheeper go abroad study abroad English, which kinds groom is big demand of market person amount big?

对于幼儿时期的孩子,不要让他们长时间地和自己的父母住在一起,隔代更亲,不利于教育。For the child of cheeper period, don't let them long and his parents live together, every generation is more closer, go against education.

第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch uses an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job.

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尤其是对于不具备现代化检测手段和加工设备的厂家,采用该方法可在较短的时间,利用较低的成本制造出轿车车身木质主模型。To adopt this method can build up car body wooden master model in shorter time and with cheeper cost. especially for those factories without modemmeasuring facilities and processing equipment.