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这是我们的命运。It is our fate.

花开花落缘份几何?The flowers bloom fate?

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从遇火的惨状命运中解救。The horror of that fate.

命运将我们连在一起。Fate brought us together.

谁能算出自己的命运?Who can control his fate?

你讨厌试手气么?Do you hate to tempt fate?

我们是听任命运摆布的块垒吗?Are we the puppets of fate?

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你相信命运么?楼主。Do you believe in fate?Neo.

的命运是多么悲惨呀!How tragical their fate is!

有改变命运的能力。The ability to change fate.

命运却嫉妒地隔断。But Fate so enviously debars

他不相信命运。He does not believe in fate.

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这姑娘与命运相斗。The girl buffeted with fate.

早点离开这个世界,避免命运的安排。Die early and avoid the fate.

今年是我的本命年。This year is my year of fate.

你无法逃脱你的命运。You can not escape your fate.

布雷泽从不相信命运。BLITZER never believe in fate.

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贝利亚步了他们的后尘,得到了相同的宿命。He met the same fate they did.

只能说是命运的播弄。It was sheer jugglery of fate.

只是能说是命运的播弄。It was sheer jugglery of fate.