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一个愿意和我执手到老的人。And a willingness finish up my old.

一个愿意和我执手到老的人。And a willingness to finish up my old.

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他们表示很愿意去。They manifested much willingness to go.

谢谢您,乔恩,谢谢您同意担任这项职务。So thank you, Jon, for your willingness to serve.

带著你的问题、活力,及自动自发来上课吧。Come with questions, energy, a willingness to talk.

他们的肢体语言显示出他们求战心切。Their body language shows a willingness to fight on.

愿意改变行为来吸引最高才能的人。Willingness to modify behavior to attract top talent.

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不过,切记要持定信心,不要怀疑神的爱,或怀疑神不会应允你。Don't doubt God's love or his willingness to answer you.

雪柔乐意帮助穷人,此举表现出她的仁慈。Cheryl’s willingness to help the poor reflects her kindness.

人们的热情和乐于助人非常令人意外。People’s warmth and willingness to help was very surprising.

朝美双方也表现出和谈的意愿。The DPRK and US also showed willingness to hold peace talks.

这种敢于冒险的意愿帮助他们说得更流利。This willingness to take risks helps them speak more fluidly.

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美元的全球信誉度正在接受考验。Global willingness to accept American dollars is being tested.

难道是傍晚窗边的情景勾起了我读诗的愿望?Willingness of the window in the evening for me to read a poem?

任何人都可以学画,它需要一些耐心和意愿。Anyone can learn to draw, it takes some patience and willingness.

管理者的风险意愿随产业而改变。Hypothesis 4A. Managerial risk willingness will vary by industry.

学习是自觉自愿的行为。Learning is a behavior which calls for readiness and willingness.

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使范老师奇怪的是母亲竟然有活下去的意愿。What surprised Teacher Fei was his mother’s willingness to live on.

或者是因为你愿意花费无数的夜晚去安慰他们?Your willingness to sacrifice countless late nights consoling them?

这既表明了你的主动性,也表现出来你愿意改正缺点的意愿。This shows your initiative and willingness to address your weakness.