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联系驻市金融部门、市总工会。Contact the financial departments and labor unions in Lhasa.

在当地各大寺庙都挤满了朝圣、转经的人群。At that time, all large temples in Lhasa were filled with pilgrims.

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抵达酒店后休息、下午主要以适应高原气候为主。Meet at Lhasa airport, then send to hotel to adapt plateau climate.

一方面是适应一下另一方面也顺便观光一下。我其实只想呆三天。Lhasa for acclimatising and sightseeing. I only wanted to stay three days.

不仅是拉鲁湿地这样,其周边的20个县都如此要求。Beside these Lalu wetlands, there are 20 such areas in counties around Lhasa.

而其他的品种象贵宾、沙皮犬就非常普遍。Others, however, like the Poodle and Lhasa Apso, have quite a large following.

个地区分别是昌都地区、林芝地区、山南地区、日喀则地区、那曲地区和阿里地区。This piece of land is divided into six districts and one city, a city of Lhasa city.

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青藏铁路那曲站,长长的列车消失在遥远的刺目阳光中。Naqu Station on the railway to Lhasa. The train fades in the dazzling light of plateau.

萨周边的一些县,如达孜、曲水、林周、墨竹工卡等地也有游行和抗议发生。Marches and protests took place outside Lhasa in Datse, Chushul, Lingdrub and Medro Gongkar.

西藏自"3·14"拉萨打砸抢烧事件后,4月23日起恢复内宾进藏观光,24日迎来首个内地旅行团。On Thursday Tibet received its first mainland tour group since the March 14 unrest in Lhasa.

青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。The local residents are welcoming the arrival of the first train running from Golmud to Lhasa.

他们选择在班禅尚未到达的时机举行这次示威,是经过考虑的。The timing of the demonstration to take place before the Panchen's arrival in Lhasa was deliberate.

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在3月10日由佛教僧侣发起的反对中国的抗议活动最终演变成了暴力。Anti-China protests led by Buddhist monks began in Lhasa on 10 March and gradually escalated into rioting.

2008年3月14日的爆发的情绪,穿过喜马拉雅大高原传播开来,并没有被平息。The resentment that exploded in Lhasa on March 14th 2008 and spread rapidly across the vast Himalayan plateau has by no means subsided.

据各大旅行社透露,铁路方面规定从5月1日起购买进藏火车票需要实名登记,即必须出示身份证或身份证复印件。Railway authorities require tourists to present their ID cards or copies when buying tickets to Lhasa from May 1, domestic travel agencies revealed.

张生邛的小饭馆在暴乱中被暴徒砸毁,尽管直到现在都还没有重新开张,他还是捐了200元。Zhang Shengqiong, whose small restaurant in downtown Lhasa was smashed by mobs, donated 200 yuan though her business remained closed after the riot.

他的母亲给他买了一只新的小狗伙伴,但是小男孩不喜欢它,母亲只能把小狗退回给送礼物的人。On Sunday, his worried mother gave him a replacement dog offered by a well-wisher. But she is returning the lhasa apso because Liam just pushes it away.

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他的母亲给他买了一只新的小狗伙伴,但是不喜欢它,母亲只能把小狗退回给送礼物的人。On Sunday, his worried mother gave him a replacement dog offered by a well-wisher. But she is returning the lhasa apso because Liam just 'pushes it away'.

在对流层,探空资料显示了该地区对流层臭氧有低值分布的特征。But the Umkehr measurements overestimated the tropospheric ozone. Observations of ECC ozonesondes show that there has obvious lower amount of ozone in the troposphere over Lhasa in the summer season.