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二叶的三叶草代表希望。One-leaf shamrock reprents prayers.

三叶的三叶草代表爱情。Three-leaf shamrock represents love.

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白花酢浆草是爱尔兰的象征。The shamrock is the national emblem of ireland.

该节日的传统标志是三叶草。One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock.

孤单的天蓝和橘色。似乎也在无声哭泣。Lonely shamrock and orange. Also appears to be silent cry.

大三叶草奥尼尔归来,每个人都扮演了重要的角色。Having the big Shamrock with us was big and everyone played a role!

他的追随者在他的宗教节日采取了佩带三叶草风俗。His followers adopted the custom of wearing a Shamrock on his feast day.

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因此,他的追随者在节日当天都佩带三叶草。His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.

然后倒满,如果你的技术足够好,可以在泡沫上画一个三叶草。Then pour it on the top, and if you're skilled enough, draw a shamrock on the top.

但麦卡锡等富有传奇色彩的石油大亨早已仙逝,新乐酒店也不复存在。But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel.

用来推销三叶草绿色奶昔的奇特小船,在三月期间庆祝圣帕特里克节。Unique boat promoted Shamrock green shakes during March to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

现在是这样,我们跟沙姆罗克之间的交易在周二被对方董事会回绝了。Here's where we are. The offer we made to Shamrock was rejected by the board on Tuesday.

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釉陶器似乎是淡黄色,红褐色或淡绿色,三叶草。The glazed pottery would appear to be light yellow, reddish brown, shamrock or light green.

“三叶草”雪莉利斧良好的使用该功能,当他在十九五十八个结婚。"Shamrock" Shelly Cleaver made good use of that feature when he got married in nineteen fifty-eight.

面对显示的时间紧,酢抱怨说,一些战士没有采取认真的事情。Faced with the show's tight schedule, Shamrock complains that some fighters did not take things seriously.

但圣帕特里克临危不惧,当即摘下一棵三叶苜蓿,形象地阐明了圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的教义。St. Patrick, however, was brave and picked a shamrock calmly which clarified the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

尤文的新赛季很快就将开始,欧联杯与都柏林的夏洛克队的交锋迫在眉睫。Our season will begin very shortly, as we take on Shamrock Rovers in Dublin in the Europa League qualifications.

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他运用三叶草的三片叶子作为象征,向他的同伴们介绍和说明了基督圣三一的概念。He introduced and explained the concept of the Holy Trinity to his followers by using the Shamrock with its three leaves as symbol.

尤文图斯是最早开始2010-11赛季征程的意大利球队,在此前进行的欧联杯第二轮资格赛中,他们以3比0的总比分击败沙姆罗克流浪者。Juventus are the only Italian club to have already started their official 2010-11 season, beating Shamrock Rovers 3-0 on aggregate in the Europa League preliminary round.