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我喜欢他鞋子上的环扣,还有他的帽子。I liked the buckles on his shoes and his tri hat.

单音调、双音调和三音调已被充分讲解。Single, Dual and Tri Tones have been defined in full.

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使用USB设备的音乐游戏,魔物猎人3。For music games with USB devices and Monster Hunter Tri.

我有很多时间,期待明年六月我的第二次急速短跑全能三项。I had a great time, and look forward to my next sprint tri in June.

卢瑞乐奇博士是TRI创办人之一和FHE的研究部董事。Dr. Leitch is a founder of TRI as well as FHE's Director of Research.

还有很多小跳音——二音程跳音和三音程跳音。There are all kinds of subtle leaps – intervallic and tri tone leaps.

黄小牡丹,白小牡丹,荷兰小菊,海棠叶,毛芒。Yellow Ranunculus, White Ranunculus, Tanacetum, Pittosporum, Tri Fern.

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对WWF的捐助可直接交给桑加三国信托基金。Contributions to WWF can be directed to the Sangha Tri National Trust Fund.

三商映射是完备映射和开映射的共同推广。Tri quotient maps are a common generalization of perfect maps and open maps.

所以我对这第一次的急速短跑全能三项立下的目标就是坚持完成且有不错的时间。So my goal for this first sprint tri was just to finish and have a good time.

TRI小组具备在TRM培训当中加入翻译员为组员的工作经验。TRI also has experience incorporating translators as part of the team in TRM training.

本文介绍一个三角网坐标平差的BASIC程序。This paper introduces a BASIC program for coordinate adjustment of tri an gulation net.

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三音可允许更高的振动能量流来继续提升。Tri tones allow for even a higher vibrational energy flow allowing for continued ascension.

周围的环境条件,可使用三重状况PST-THD进行报告和记录。Ambient environmental conditions can be reported and logged using the tri condition PST-THD.

三谷大学有1000个高尔提女孩、男孩入学,都是初、高中掉学的。Tri Valley University had 1000s of Golti girl and boys got admission who were school dropouts.

神祇Yàng看来并没有不满,一切和谐共处,广治省的村民仍然尊重神明,也尊重土地和他们自己。There is harmony. The villagers in Quang Tri still respect their Gods, the land and themselves.

因为一位智慧人,就能使一城人烟稠密,而罪人的家族,却可使城池荒凉。By one that is wise a country shall be inhabited, the tri be of the ungodly shall become desolate.

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本文简要介绍用几种方法立体选择性合成三和四取代烯烃。This paper reports briefly stereoselective synthesis of tri and tetra-substituted ethylenes by some methods.

三总换心人易辨出院后,仍定时回医院做复健及抽血检查。Heart transplant patient Yi Pien must return to Tri -Service General Hospital for rehabilitation and blood tests.

这系列的照片是2009年马丁帕尔与牛津饥荒救济委员会在被洪水淹没的越南广治省的旅行的延续。The series of shots follow a trip Martin Parr took with Oxfam in 2009 to flood-hit Quang Tri province in Vietnam.