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然后加入提子和葛缕子籽。Then mix in raisins and caraway seeds.

芥末苹果、抱子甘蓝和香芹。Brussels sprouts with mustard, apples and caraway.

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香菜提醒提升者,意愿繁荣的状态。Caraway reminds initiates to intend a state of prosperity.

香菜有一种坚果气味,也是一种对消化有益的药草。Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion.

你将会收到一个葛缕子油或绿薄荷油样品。You will be given a sample of either caraway oil or spearmint oil.

由谷类或马玲薯及香菜种子蒸馏而来。A spirit distilled from grain or potatoes and flavoured with caraway seeds, among others.

这是由德国面包师推广开来的一种上面撒有犹太盐和葛缕子的圆面包卷。German-born bakers popularized this round roll topped with kosher salt and caraway seeds.

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在英国某些地区,人们烘烤香菜种子,李子,情人葡萄干或包子。In some areas of England, people bake valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins.

在英格兰的某些地方,人们烤情人节小面包准备李子、或葡萄干。In some areas of England, people bake valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins.

香菜也将协助提升中再生荷尔蒙蓝图的整合。Caraway will also assist in the integration of the regeneration hormonal blueprints in ascension.

“生命之水”一种烈性的透明斯堪的纳维亚酒,由马铃薯或谷物麦芽浆蒸馏制作,有葛缕子的香味。A strong clear scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.

香草烤鱼按云南傣家菜的做法,在烤制时鱼腹中填入特别的香菜。"Fragrant roast fish" is cooked using Yunan Dai Minority's way to put special caraway inside fish's belly.

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表面刷上蛋液,随好洒上燕麦麸,罂粟籽,葛缕子籽或芝麻粒。Brush the top with egg wash and sprinkle with desired topping, such as oat brans, poppy, caraway or sesame seeds.

刚蒸好的花糕还会撒上香菜叶、夹上杏仁和其他干果。Unpolished Hua Cake is marked with caraway leaves, sandwiched with date, peach kernel and other unpolished dry fruits.

香菜种子将激励黄体酮的释放,帮助那些在提升或绝经中遭受缺乏荷尔蒙之苦的人们。Caraway seeds will stimulate the release of progesterone for those suffering from loss of hormones in ascension or menopause.

在斯堪的纳维亚国家生产的一种从谷物和药本植物蒸馏而来的酒叫什么名字?This aromatic sprit is distilled principally in Scandinavian countries from grain, caraway seeds and occasionally other botanicals.

了解如何添加一些和香菜饺子鸡炖在这个自由的国家配方影片芳香鸡炖蔬菜。Learn how to add aromatic vegetables for country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.

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学习如何煮饺子的制作与香菜鸡炖在这免费食谱影片土鸡炖蔬菜。Learn how to simmer the vegetables for making country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.

学习如何制作印章洋葱和在这个自由配方制作的视频与香菜饺子鸡炖土鸡炖大蒜。Learn how to chop onions and garlic for making country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.

了解如何砍胡萝卜和芹菜,使一些和香菜饺子鸡炖一些影片在此免费食谱炖土鸡。Learn how to chop carrots and celery to make some country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.