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阳光同时也攻击我们的弹性蛋白。The sun also attacks our elastin.

韧带还含有弹性蛋白。Ligaments contain protein elastin.

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圣艾芙胶原弹性蛋白特效护肤露是最好的。St Ives Collagen and Elastin Moisturizer is the best!

吸烟会破坏帮助皮肤保持弹性的弹性蛋白。Smoking damages the elastin that helps keep facial skin flexible.

“胸膜弓”由硬护膜层和节肢弹性蛋白构成。" Pleural arch" by the hard-care film festival and elastin constitute a limb.

太阳的强烈射线分解了皮肤中的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白。The sun's powerful rays break down the collagen and elastin proteins in the skin.

这些氧自由基攻击支援你的皮肤的胶原质及弹性蛋白束。These oxy-radicals attack the collagen and elastin bundles that support your skin.

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体外也有证据表明弹力蛋白退化产物能促进骨生成。In vitro evidence also indicates that elastin degradation products may promote osteogenesis.

抵御紫外线对肌肤胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白的损伤,并能减轻干燥泛红现象,使面部肌肤紧致柔滑。Protect collagen and elastin from UV, relieve dry and reddish skin, and make skin firm and smooth.

吸烟也会破坏胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白——纤维细胞,它将使你的皮肤具有韧性和弹性。Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity.

血清蛋白促进细胞再生,促使真皮层中纤维母细胞制造弹力蛋白。Serum proteins promote cell regeneration, promote dermal layer of fibroblast cells to produce elastin.

窦周肝细胞表达强度明显高于肝细胞。The intensity of elastin expression is more obvious in the hepatic perisinusoidal cells than hepatocytes.

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胶原和弹性蛋白使象皮肤和韧带这样的结缔组织具有韧性和弹性。Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments.

真皮是由主要的结缔组织构成,它主要由胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白纤维构成。The dermis is comprised primarily of connective tissue, which is made mostly of collagen and elastin fibers.

细胞间的改进的交换促进了细胞繁殖,而细胞繁殖可以提升皮肤中胶原蛋白及弹性蛋白的水平。Improved exchange between cells promotes proliferation which improves collagen and elastin levels in the skin.

但是,随着时间的流逝,胶原蛋白会慢慢地减少,弹力素丧失了它的活力,身体的综合肌能也都退化了。Over time, however, collagen deteriorates, elastin loses its spring, and the body's synthesis of both decreases.

一种强大的抗氧化剂,辅酶Q10的帮助可能会导致过早衰老的自由基,保护胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白。A powerful antioxidant, CoQ10 helps protect collagen and elastin from free radicals that can cause premature aging.

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葡萄籽提取物有效清除脂溶和水溶的自由基,保证弹性蛋白和胶原蛋白的完整。Grape seed extract scavenges lipid and water-soluble free radicals, and supports the integrity of elastin and collagen.

除了可以作为抗氧化剂外,维他命C还可以促成胶原质及弹性蛋白的产生。In addition to its function as a powerful antioxidant , vitamin C also encourages the production of collagen and elastin.

结果脱细胞效果良好,且能较好地保持胶原纤维和弹性纤维的排列分布。Results HE staining confirmed the removal of cells and Von Gieson staining showed the integrality of collagen and elastin.