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直根圆筒状,约5毫米厚。Taproot cylindrical, ca. 5 mm thick.

直根长圆锥形,很少纺锤形。Taproot long-conic, rarely fusiform.

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根茎为深的直根,粗的10毫米。Rootstock a deep taproot to 10 mm thick.

胡萝卜是其植株的主根。A carrot is the taproot of a carrot plant.

直根和根茎坚固的,红棕色。Taproot and rootstock stout, reddish-brown.

直根垂直,稍微加厚,分枝。Taproot vertical, slightly thickened, branched.

承担多数的直根暗褐色的须根。Taproot bearing numerous dark brown fibrous roots.

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直根黄棕色,拉长圆柱状,不分枝。Taproot yellowish-brown, elongate-terete, unbranched.

直根纤细,分开,通常,木质,不肉质棕色。Taproot slender, branched, woody, not fleshy, usually brown.

分株主根的生活年限最多为5年。The taproot of the ramets could survive for five years at most.

只应大麻种子浸泡,直到主根已经出现。Marijuana seeds should only be soaked until the taproot has emerged.

大豆的根系包括由胚根形成的主根。The root system of the soybean consists of a taproot formed by the radicle.

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主根垂直向下生长,以固定树身,并吸取深处的水分。The taproot grows straight down to anchor the tree and reach for deep water.

而黄绵土土层深厚,更适宜直根性树木生长发育。By contraries, loess soil possessing of deep soil layer, suits for taproot tree.

保守主义的根基,你可以说它就在旧南方Well, the taproot of conservatism you could say is right there in the Old South.

直根长圆筒状的,根深具一纤细和拉长的茎达土壤表面。Taproot long-cylindric, deep-rooted with a slender and elongated stem to soil surface.

山杏苗木的根系活力较强,受容重的影响较小。The main root of Prunus armeniaca is remarkable taproot type, and root vigor is strong.

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如果你想读懂南方",他说,"那你必须追溯到内战前的南方"He said, "If you want to understand the South," he said, "Its taproot is back there in the Old South."

作为一个主要由新教徒构成的国家,有必要了解到它的神学根源来自于马丁·路德。A largely Protestant nation that can trace its theological taproot to Martin Luther ought to know better.

由于棉花是直根系作物,根系生长庞大、生育期长,与果树的生长有一定的相似性。The cotton is similar to fruiter because the cotton roots is taproot and hugeness and growth days is long.