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厚厚的乌云中阳光一束。Sunbeam among the thick, dark clouds.

他们在阳光旅游公司做兼职。They have part-time jobs with the Sunbeam Travel Company.

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然后,它将会在太阳光的驱动下,飞越星际。Then it will slowly rise on a sunbeam and move across the stars.

可以用一块棱镜将透射的白光发散出来。Biv can with a lens be resolved to tidy white sunbeam once again.

玻璃片把阳光聚焦到纸上,纸就开始冒烟了。The piece of glass focused the sunbeam on the paper, which began to smoke.

上周六,黛比来到阳光旅游公司后接到了一个紧急工作任务。Last Saturday,Debbie arrived at Sunbeam Travel and was given an urgent job.

宾克看着身旁的女孩走在金灿灿的阳光下。Bink looked at the girl beside him as she stepped through a slanting sunbeam.

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最后,被迫放弃使用Sunbeam作为公司的名字。Finally, as the company was forced to abandon the use of the name of Sunbeam.

他疾步向一旁走去,当他们跨过一束宽宽的日光时,他的两眼又恢复了生气勃勃的蓝色。He stepped swiftly off, his eyes coming to blue life as they passed a broad sunbeam.

走去,当他们跨过一束宽宽的日光时,他的两眼又恢复了生气勃勃的蓝色。He stepped swiftly off, his eyes coming to blue life as they passed a broad sunbeam.

可能就是那束阳光,让那场噩梦变成了奇遇。Perhaps it was that sunbeam that had changed my nightmare into a dream of adventure.

装置中还配备了一个新光厨房定时器和一个电子倒时器。The device also contained two Sunbeam kitchen timers and one electronic countdown timer.

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然后有一天天堂的门会打开,一个完美而可爱的小娃娃会像小天使一样降临到我们身边。One day, the heavens would part and a perfect, precious cherub would descend on a sunbeam.

实际上,一有在风暴以后发光的最辉煌的光束的不尽的想法。In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm.

就像阳光穿透了多云的天空,信仰预示着好天气就要来临了。Like a sunbeam piercing through a cloudy sky, faith portends that better weather is on the way.

不久一丝又细又尖的太阳光穿过积雪,射到花儿的球根上,把它抚摸了一下。Soon the Sunbeam pierced its way through the snow to the root, and within the root there was a stirring.

未来就像那层淡淡的乌云背后的天空,有金色的阳光透过缝隙照过来。Future was like the sky behind a thin layer of dark clouds, with a few rays of golden sunbeam pouring down from behind.

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在世界的观众大厅里,一片单纯的草叶,与阳光、午夜的星辰一起,坐在同一条地毯上。In the world's audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeam and the stars of midnight.

当时,里昂斯爵士十分希望能把汽车名为Sunbeam,因为Sunbeam曾于多次的世界赛车中取得冠军,可谓“胜利”的标志。At the time, Lyons is hoped to car named Sir Sunbeam, Sunbeam was because many of the world champion made the car, described as "victory" sign.

你的光柱射到我的地上,我伸出胳膊整天站在门前,把我的眼泪、叹息和歌声变成的云彩,带回放在你的脚下。Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs.