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蜥脚类恐龙的头基本上都是嘴。Sauropod heads are essentially all mouth.

这些新发现的蜥脚类化石似乎是同一种恐龙。All sauropod remains appear to come from the same genus of sauropod.

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对于某些蜥脚类恐龙来说,测量出来的血压确实是相当高的。For some sauropod dinosaurs, this estimated blood pressure is very high indeed.

在未来,研究者计划更加深入地探究蜥脚类恐龙脖子的奥秘。In the future, the researchers plan to delve even deeper into the mysteries of sauropod necks.

这些蜥脚类动物的骨架由玻璃纤维制成,在影片制作完成后被留在了突尼斯的沙漠中。These sauropod bones were made of Fiberglas, and left in the Tunisian desert after production wrapped.

“当这只蜥脚类动物长到大约一岁时,我们认为它可能已比Sanejeh的个头大”,威尔逊说。"By the time this sauropod was about a year old, we think it would have been out of the range of Sanejeh, " Wilson said.

这只恐龙很可能是原始的蜥脚类亚目动物--长颈、四条腿的食草动物,类似于我们较为熟悉的腕足类恐龙。The animal would have been a primitive sauropod -- a long-necked, four-legged grazer similar to the better known brachiosaurs.

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进行了5组比对后,尤其是就髂骨的大小等种种因素进行分析后,他们确定该恐龙来自蜥脚类家族。Using five variables, and particularly focused on the size and other factors within the ilium bone, they confirmed it was from the Sauropod family.

澳大利亚生物进化生物学家罗杰西摩做了一个模仿试验,模仿一个庞大的蜥脚类动物把头垂直抬高需要多少的血压。Australian evolutionary biologist Roger Seymour did a simulation of how much blood pressure a gigantic sauropod would need in order to place its head vertically.

在以前发现剑龙、跃龙,鸟脚类和其它梁龙类的遗址上,采集到了一个令人十分欣喜的、保存极其完好的蜥臀类腰带。A complete and beautifully preserved saurischian hip girdle was the most stunning, but many other sauropod bones were collected, including sections of backbones from an Apatosaurus and a Camarasaurus.