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这是一个爵士乐团。It was a jazz orchestra.

他指挥一个管弦乐队。He directed an orchestra.

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管弦乐队在定弦。The orchestra are tuning up.

谁批示这个乐队?Who conducts this orchestra?

一个交响乐团最先入场。A symphony orchestra came in first.

他在交响乐团演奏管乐器。He plays the pipe in the orchestra.

乐队的演奏不在调上。The orchestra was playing out of tune.

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他在管弦乐团里演奏铜管乐器。He plays in the brass of the orchestra.

d小调为管弦乐队而作的第1传奇曲。Legend No. 1, for orchestra in D minor.

大调为管弦乐队而作的第2传奇曲。Legend No. 2, for orchestra in G major.

大调为管弦乐队而作的第4传奇曲。Legend No. 4, for orchestra in C major.

大调为管弦乐队而作的第7传奇曲。Legend No. 7, for orchestra in A major.

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大调为管弦乐队而作的第9传奇曲。Legend No. 9, for orchestra in D major.

乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。The orchestra played a Mozart symphony.

这支管乐队由她的父亲指挥。The orchestra is conducted by her father.

您要正厅前排座位还是楼上座位?Do you want to orchestra or balcony seats?

他在一个交响乐团里演奏法国号。He played the French horn in an orchestra.

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该管弦乐队将演奏她新近推出的那首交响曲。The orchestra will debut her new symphony.

交响乐团即将演奏到音量渐强的一节。The orchestra was working up to a crescendo.

钢琴被推到乐池里。The piano was pushed into the orchestra pit.