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克莱拉?埃莉斯Clara Elise.

克拉拉就这样结婚了。So. Clara got married.

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你跟克拉拉谈过吗?Have you talked to Clara?

新墨西哥州的圣克拉拉普韦布洛Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico

克莱拉看见了他紧蹙的眉头。Clara saw the lift of his brows.

唐走近吧台旁的克拉拉。Don approaches Clara at the bar.

仍然没有克拉拉的音信。There was still no sign of Clara.

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克莱拉素来就是一个猫头鹰。Clara has always been a night owl.

克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成见。Clara was full of a sombre preconception.

克莱拉最喜欢用这种饼干蘸着咖啡吃。Clara enjoys dipping her cookies in coffee.

我们一会再讨论这个理由We'll come back to Clara Elise in a second.

克莱拉很可能自甘堕落,躲在门口偷听过。Clara might have stooped to listen at the door.

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但克莱拉摇了摇那个筹款盒,说道,“我,该我了。”Clara waved the Blue Box and said, "Mine, mine.

这时,克拉拉挥动着箱子,说道,“该我了,该我了。”Clara waved the Blue Box and said, "Mine, mine."

海蒂和克拉拉保持着通信联系。Heidi and Clara continue to write to each other.

那天,助手把克拉拉也推进来了。That day, an aide had brought Clara to the group.

与此同时,克拉拉和我在互通着书信。Meanwhile, Clara and I were writing to each other.

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米勒先生的房子很大,地处阳光明媚的圣克拉拉山谷。Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley.

大家担心的是我,一天下午克拉拉说。Everyone’s worried about me, Clara said one afternoon.

克拉拉收到一个胡桃夹子,形状像一个玩具士兵。Clara receives a nutcracker, shaped like a toy soldier.