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哥们你可别变卦你是知道的加油!Dude, don't backpedal , you know. Onwards!

他们答应要减税,现在却开始打退堂鼓。They promised to cut taxes, but they're beginning to backpedal now.

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她之后试图通过强调聚居区建设的“非法”性来收回之前的说法。She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained "illegitimate".

随后,为了给自己寻求退路,她又强调定居点仍然是“非法的”。She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained “illegitimate”.

随着媒体公布政府的担忧,官员们开始转变口风。In the wake of media reports about the government's concerns, officials began to backpedal.

一些地方政府正准备放宽一些中央实施的房地产调控措施。Some local governments are starting to backpedal on some property tightening measures Beijing has imposed.

一分钟后,李继续认真的攻击,他的对手开始以他的最大速度向后退。A minute later, with Bruce continuing the attack in earnest, his opponent began to backpedal as fast as he could.

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固然自止车“统乱”南京小街冷巷的期间仿佛未经一来没有双往,现在该市却正在争与为令人难以抵挡的汽车买买潮淌“踏刹车”。While the days when bikes dominated Beijing streets seem gone forever, the city is seeking to backpedal on some of the overwhelming trend toward car ownership.

断陷伸展湖盆陡坡带上的砂砾岩体具有“平面分带、垂向分期、持续后退、继承性强”的分布特征。Planar strips, vertical stages, continuous backpedal and strong succession are the characteristics of the glutinite body distribution in a rift extensional basin.

随后一些最新的计算结果显示,一系列特定的条件可能催生出裸奇点。Hawking was forced to backpedal a bit on his stance in 1997, after new calculations revealed a limited set of conditions that could give rise to naked singularities.

闪身正手,记住快速后退并保持拍头高举,一旦移动到位,全力挥出,送球一程。To hit the runaround forehand, remember to backpedal quickly and keep your racquet up high as you move into position. Once there, be sure to swing out and give the ball a ride.