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帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任。It is our bounden duty to help the disabled.

保护人类的生命是我们的天职。Protect the safety of labors is our bounden duty.

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他把司机的天职发挥到可敬佩的程度。He put the driver's bounden duty to respectable degree.

这也是工业设计自身的真正使命和出路。This is bounden duty and way out for industrial design!

“保护您的生命财产安全是我们的天职”。"To protect the safety of your life and property is our bounden duty ".

自觉抵制“三俗”,是每位公民义不容辞的责任。Aware resisting "three vulgar", is each citizens bounden responsibility.

谁能告诉我医生的天职是什么?治病还是救人?Who can tell me what the doctor's bounden duty is? Treat a disease or help a person?

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曾几何时,医生是人们眼中的“白衣天使”,救死扶伤是他们的天职。Once upon a time, doctors are seen as "angels in white", life-saving is their bounden duty.

此时,我的心寒了,培养好李平成了我义不容辞的责任。At this point, my blood run cold, and Li Ping has become a better cultivate my bounden duty.

仲裁裁决应为终极裁决,对双方均存在束缚力。The adjudication accolade shall be final and has acknowledged bounden armament to both abandon.

我们认为维护世界和平稳定是我们应尽的国际主义义务。We regard it our bounden internationalist duty to safeguard the peace and tranquility of the world.

减少二氧化碳的排放,选择“低碳生活”是每个公民应尽的责任。To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, select the "low-carbon life" is the bounden duty of every citizen.

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妥善处置三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件,是政府义不容辞的责任。Handles three deer sign babies and infants powdered milk event properly, is the government bounden responsibility.

作为破天一剑忠实的玩家,把破天一剑目前在中国的境遇和情形反应给你,是我们不可推卸的责任。As a loyal player of pcik, I think it is my bounden responsibility to reflect the present situation of Pcik in China.

要把关怀别人,救助别人当作自己的天职,变成自己的天性。We must show care of to others and take comforting others as our bounden duty and make it become our natural instinct.

纵然是在那些以批判传统和解放女性为天职的马克思主义者当中,也不乏类似用语。Even in those critical tradition and the liberation of women as their bounden duty of Marxists , are quite similar terms.

面对垂危的生命,以救人为天职的医务工作者,到底应该作出怎样的选择?In the face of the lives of dying in order to save for the bounden duty of the medical workers, should in the end what choice?

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然而,我们终日沉溺于爱情中,只顾享受在一起的快乐时光,忽视了自己的天职。However, we wallowed in the love all day, just enjoyed ourselves of the happy time together, have ignored our own bounden duty.

粮食的商品和准公共物品属性,决定了粮食安全是政府义不容辞的责任。Grain has its own property as commodity and semi-public goods, which has determined the government's bounden duty on grain security.

为广州经济的发展和建设,尽己所能地支持申亚,是我们应尽的一份责任和义务。Guangzhou's economic development and construction, done their best to support the Ci is our bounden obligation and a responsibility.