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塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers.

我听见了麦可碰到蛇头鱼时的惊恐声。I heard Michael yipe as he came across the snakehead fish.

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蛇头说,在美国,他们想得到的一切,应有尽有。One need never go wanting for anything in America, the snakehead says.

乌鳢是松嫩平原渔业湿地的经济鱼类之一。Northern Snakehead is one of the economic fish for fishery wetlands in bongnen Plain.

中国常见的有鲶鱼、黑鱼,它们离开水以后能活一个小时甚至一天。China have a common catfish, snakehead , they can live out of water after an hour or a day.

渐渐地,刘平了解了拥有她的蛇头组织犯罪集团。All the while, Ping was learning about the "snakehead" organised crime group that owned her.

乌鳢的特定生长率受体重和温度的交互影响。The specific growth rate in the northern snakehead was interacted both by body weight and temperature.

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蛇头把他们送到墨西哥,然后乘私人飞机飞进小机场来。Snakehead smuggled them to Mexico then transfered them onto private jets and landed them in small airports.

巨大的黑鱼会吃掉某个水域中的任何东西,然后,在陆地上爬行至另一个池塘或湖里。The giant snakehead will eat absolutely everything in a body of water then crawl over land to the next pond or lake.

我是差不多每道菜都尝了个遍,只是到了油炸蝎子和鱼蛋汤前却步了。I tried pretty much everything that was served, but had to stop at the fried scorpion and the snakehead fish egg soup.

所谓的“蛇头”团伙每年把数千人非法移民到香港。So called "snakehead" gangs have beenresponsible for smuggling thousands of illegal migrants out of China into HongKong every year.

目的探讨采用股骨近端蛇头形解剖钢板治疗股骨粗隆间和粗隆下骨折的治疗效果。Objective To evaluate the treatment of intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures of femur with" snakehead" shape anatomic plate.

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黑鱼成长繁衍于温暖的水域,而在英格兰北部,其冰冷的水域也许会在黑鱼的数量失控之前控制这一问题。The snakehead thrives in warmer water, and the freezing waters in northern England may help take care of the problem before it spirals out of control.

在中国,泥鳅是农场养殖的一种甜美、多肉的主食。煮成汤,据说有惊人的疗效。In China, the snakehead is a sweet, meaty staple harvested in farms, and when boiled into soup, it is reputed to possess remarkable healing properties.

桂山岛的网箱养鱼非常有名,主要有品种有石斑、鳢白等,岛上各处都可以吃到美味的海鲜。Guishan Island Fishpond Using Netted Boxes very famous, there are a variety Shiban, the snakehead white, the entire island can eat the delicious seafood.

采用试验生态学的方法,研究了残食行为、规格差异和饵料密度对杂交鳢仔稚鱼残食的影响。The same size had no significant effect on cannibalism with satiation, whereas size heterogeneity can promote the cannibalism of larval hybrid snakehead.

一个小镇迫切地想从大萧条中恢复过来,却被因为化学污染而变异存活下来的贪食鳢威胁着。A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings.

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一个为从经济危机中恢复而铤而走险的小镇,时下正处于在化学有毒物质污染的湖泊中幸存下来,突变的凶残的黑鱼威胁下。A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings.

这种巨大的黑鱼是一种食肉鱼类,在它的途径之地,几乎任何东西都能供它享用,并导致它所进入的地区的各种灾害。The giant snakehead is a carnivorous fish that feasts on pretty much anything in its path, and has caused all manner of destruction in places where it has been introduced.

2002年,自从泥鳅在马里兰州被发现起,就被美国法律禁止进口。但是,禁令并没有减少需求,相反却刺激了消费。That the snakehead has been illegal to import into the United States since 2002 when it was found in a pond in Maryland has not diminished its demand — and perhaps has only fueled it.