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但对急性胃扭转伴胃壁坏死者,应加胃造瘘术。But when acute stomach volvulus occurrs with necrosis of stomach wall, gastrostomy should be performed.

局麻下,给6位需长期行肠内营养的患者,行经皮穿刺胃造口术。Under local anesthesia percutaneous gastrostomy was performed in 6 patients for long enteral nutrition.

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目的寻找胃造瘘管饲并发症有效的预防及护理措施。Objective To seek the effective prevention and nursing measures against gastrostomy gavage complications.

有必要实施胃造口术,从而维持足够的营养,但是需要对母亲提供喂食技巧培训。Gastrostomy is necessary to maintain adequate nutritional status but mothers need training in feeding techniques.

目的探讨经皮内镜下胃造瘘术方法及其在神经外科术后的临床应用。To evaluate the method and clinical application of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy after neurosurgery operation.

因此从我们初步之经验,经皮内视镜胃造瘘术是一个值得推广之经管喂食方式。Based on our preliminary experience, we think that percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is a procedure worth promoting.

方法对35例经内镜下行胃造瘘术的患者在术前、术中和术后给予舒适护理措施。Methods 35 cases endoscopes gastrostomy downlink the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care to comfort measures.

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目的探讨胃造瘘置管给药辅以饮食调控制备猪肝硬化模型的可行性。Objective To explore the feasibility of preparation of porcine model of hepatic cirrhosis by gastrostomy tube assisted with diet control.

在影像科于局部麻醉下行经皮透视下胃造口术。They contraindicated for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy , and then received percutaneous fluoroscopic gastrostomy in local anesthesia.

目的应用舒适护理以提高内镜下胃造瘘术的成功率、减少术后并发症和增加病人的满意度。Objective Comfort cares to endoscopes gastrostomy improve the success rate and reduce postoperative complications and increased patient satisfaction.

鼻胃管在脑卒中后2-3周内不能从口进液体或固体的病人要优于经皮内窥镜胃造瘘管。Nasogastric feeding is preferred to percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy tube feeding until 2-3 weeks post-stroke in patients who cannot take oral liquid and food.

方法34例食管癌放疗后并发食管气管瘘、纵隔瘘病人,分别采用鼻饲营养、胃造瘘术、附膜编织网支架治疗,肿瘤复发病例加用放疗、化疗及其他综合治疗等方法。Methods 34 patients with perforated esophageal carcinoma were treated by nasal feeding or gastrostomy or metal mesh stent with special plastic film or radiotherapy for cases of recurrence.

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和手术式胃造瘘术比较,此种治疗方式较为简便安全和经济,只有一位病人在胃造瘘管旁腹壁产生脓疡,且经切开引流手术解决。The procedure is quite simple, safe and economical. One patient developed subcutaneous abscess which was treated with simple incision and drainage procedure without removing the gastrostomy tube.