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我们不该进攻伊拉克。We were wrong in Iraq.

我在伊拉克呆得太久了。I had been in Iraq too long.

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沙劳今年61岁,出生在伊拉克。Shallal, 61, was born in Iraq.

不,谢了,我宁愿去掌管伊拉克。No thanks. I‘d rather run Iraq.

要是你不这样,你就只好到伊拉克去当炮灰了。If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.

但她把自爆地点选在了伊拉克。Instead, she blew herself up in Iraq.

伊拉克是阿拉伯联盟的创始国。Iraq is a founder of the Arab League.

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下半场伊拉克队控制了比赛节奏。Iraq took control after the interval.

伊拉克基地组织在约旦的领导人。Jordanian leader of al Qaida in Iraq.

耶稣会支持伊拉克战争吗?Would Jesus have backed the Iraq war?

下半场伊拉克队控制了比赛节奏。Iraq took control after the interval.

这是漫长的战争,这是欧洲的伊拉克。It's the long war. It's Europe's Iraq.

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伊拉克爆炸,43人死,超百人受伤。Blasts kill 43, wound over 100 in Iraq.

另外,据信,伊拉克掌握有某些生物制剂。Iraq is believed to possess some of them.

在旧金山,伊拉克战争的抗议者达到数千人。Iraq war protest draws thousands in S. F.

后卡扎菲时代的利比亚是否会像伊拉克?Will a post-Gadhafi Libya look like Iraq?

伊拉克希望在2009年中期前缔结这些合约。Iraq aims to sign those deals in mid-2009.

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中方将向伊出售什么武器?What kind of weapons will be sold to Iraq?

他正在把伊拉克丢给豺狼,”他说。He is leaving Iraq to the wolves," he said.

我们通过的1441号决议给了伊拉克最后一次机会。We wrote 1441 to give Iraq one last chance.