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硬币在他口袋里丁当作响。The coins are clinking in his pocket.

试着加入一点金色,华贵无比。Try to join aureate, showily and clinking.

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更不要错过无比灿烂的今朝。The more don't miss clinking brilliant today.

喝酒时碰杯的传统可以追溯到中世纪。The clinking of glassed traces its roots to medieval days.

他的离去,带给人们无比的悲痛和无尽的思念。His leave, bring people clinking bitterness and endless longing.

在这“繁华”的都市中,我感到无比的疲惫!In the city of this " flourishing " , I feel clinking exhaustion!

格里夫在甲板上踱步,铠甲在他狼皮斗篷下轻轻碰撞。Griff paced the deck, mail clinking softly beneath his wolfskin cloak.

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碰杯的起源自饮酒家的健康和安全观念。Clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker.

这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here's the azure blue sky profound, and air is fresh sweet, rich and clinking.

哈利侧耳细听。前面似乎传来了轻轻的沙沙声和叮叮当当的声音。Harry listened. A soft rustling and clinking seemed to be coming from up ahead.

因为,这是一种比任何无比伟大的还更无比伟大的事情了。Because, this is a kind of than any clinking great still more extremely great things.

若遇若无,虽细却可以困住很大的猎物,坚韧无比。If encounter without, although fine but can be trapped large prey, tenacity and clinking.

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无邪又纵欲,纯真又弥贵,清丽并让人无比钟爱。No evil and sex, pure, beautiful and expensive and micah lets a person clinking endearment.

假如能得到情人的爱和鼓励,他们便会有无比的勇气和信心。If can get love and be encouragemented of the lover, they can have clinking courage and hope.

一天,寨外来了一高手,名叫洪威,旋风剑厉害无比。A day, stockaded village is ab extra one ace, be called Hong Wei, tornado sword is fierce and clinking.

“我在桥上的这六年老得太快了,”他说着又和老石碰了下杯。"I've aged terribly in my six years on the bridge " he said again clinking teacups with Mr. Shi. "To age!"

学员们以无比坚强的毅力,攻下文化堡垒,闯过理论关。Student people the perseverance with clinking adamancy, attack next culture fort, had entered theory to close.

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只要你多花点心思,不用大费周折也能拥有一个凉爽无比的夏日。Want you only floriferous dot idea, need not expend setbacks to also can have a cool and clinking summer greatly.

对一系列遭遇无比迷惑的司徒被释放后,发誓要为依玲报仇。After clinking to a series of experience deceptive manages apprentice is released, pledge should revenge for Yi Ling.

静静地坐在窗户边,感受着外面的无限风光,这时,确是舒服无比。Sit in window edge silently, experiencing the infinite scene outside, at this moment, it is satisfied and clinking truly.