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提供文件和打印机共享。Providing file and printer shares.

它在仁慈在提供给你一切。It's benevolently providing for you.

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传达的寓意也南辕北辙。It's providing a very different message.

有一家酒馆紧挨着商店。A tavern or an inn providing such a meal.

提供逻辑键盘跳格顺序Providing a logical keyboard tabbing order

是他提供海洛英给米契尔么?Is he providing hash and heroin to Mitchell?

提供非受管的连接信息Providing non-managed connection information

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我感谢他给我提供了这个实现。I thank him for providing his implementation.

同时,IBM公司还为该系统提供了500千兆字节的存贮空间。IBM is also providing 500 terabytes of storage.

提供基于工件或活动的管理Providing artifact or activity-based management

我们会考虑新的方式,提供教育。We think about new ways of providing education.

能提供前所未有的学习资源。are providing unprecedented learning resources.

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父母购物,商场提供日托。Malls are providing day care while parents shop.

为开发人员和用户提供更高的带宽Providing more bandwith for users and developers

提供节点间无密码的根访问权限Providing passwordless root access between nodes

提供软件故障自动检测Providing automatic detection of software failure

葡萄糖液可用来供给水分。Dextrose solutions are useful for providing water.

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―耐德,我们正在提供有意义的社会服务。Ned, we're providing a valuable community service.

路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news.

提供进料整合和加工服务!Providing feed integration and processing services!