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增员,你能否承受?Can You Afford to Hire?

她买不起裘皮大衣。She cannot afford furs.

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我们还请得起水管工。We can afford a plumber.

可我没钱换一台新电脑。I can't afford a new one.

挑辆你能负担得起的汽车。Find a car you can afford.

你出的起这笔费用吗?Can you afford the expense?

您能承担改型?Can you afford to remodel ?

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很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。Few could afford the luxury.

也许您发得起更高的工资。Perhaps you can afford more.

我出不起这笔费用。I can ill afford the expense.

我出不起那么多钱。I can't afford so much money.

我买不起这件貂皮大衣。I can't afford this mink coat.

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你能够为我腾两天时间吗?Can you afford two days for me?

我今天晚上抽不出时间看电影。I can't afford the time for it.

我们不能举止粗鲁。We can not afford to be gauche.

他们就能买起一份饭呀。All they can afford is one meal.

我可出不起那样的价钱。I can't afford it at that price.

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我每月付得起这么多钱。I can afford this much per month.

我抽不出一小时吃午饭。I can't afford an hour for lunch.

你真付得起这个总数吗?。Can you really afford this amount?