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闭嘴,后座的司机。Shut up. Backseat driver.

你可不可以不要再啰哩巴唆了?Would you stop being a backseat driver?

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我无法忍受和一个爱对司机瞎指挥的人一起开车。I cannot stand driving with a backseat driver.

依然躺在后坐上,在我所有疑问的后面still lying in the backseat behind all my questions

当班的时候我可不喜欢那些瞎指挥的人。I hate those backseat drivers when I'm doing my duty.

罗尼紧急刹车,他几乎可以看到前车后座的儿童。As Ronnie bore down, he could see children in the backseat.

只听见一声长“叹”,带着无比的满足,从后座传来。I replied. A deep sigh of contentment came from the backseat.

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杰克进入豪华轿车的后座,再次询问科菲尔。Jack gets inside the limo’s backseat and questions Cofell again.

好了,我知道应该做什么,用不着你来指挥。O. K. Iknow what I'm going to do. I don't need a backseat driver.

狭小的巴士里面闷热难耐,后排座位已经拆掉放行李了。Our cramped little bus is stiflingly hot and the backseat is no more.

然而当你建立一个新公司的时候,这些都被抛诸脑后了。When you're starting a new company, however, these often take a backseat.

杰克坐进车后座准备等候凯文到来,科菲尔用小刀刺向他。Jack gets in the backseat to wait, and Cofell lunges at him with the knife.

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干得好奥巴马,现在我们又落后于别人了。Way to go Comrade Obama , here we go again taking a backseat to someone else.

高效的后座。圆锥套圆锥结构设计消除扭矩过大所带来的问题。Efficient backseat. Cone-in-cone design eliminates problems with over-torquing.

你可不可以不要再啰哩巴唆了?我不需要你教我怎麽开车。Would you stop being a backseat driver? I don't need you to teach me how to drive.

后座上镀镍,可应用在严酷的烃化环境。Nickel plated overlay on backseat in stem hole to combat severe alkylation conditions.

一会儿,她突然发现自己后车座位上的鞋不见了,于是她匆匆忙忙地回到了事故地点。A moment later, she found her shoes on the backseat missing, and hurried back to the spot.

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约翰看到妻子把那把铜茶壶放在他们那辆福特嘉年华的后座上时,眼珠子骨碌碌地直转。John rolled his eyes when his wife set the brass teapot in the backseat of their Ford Festiva.

"非农就业人口数据将退居次席.希腊和欧洲是市场目前的主要关注点,"Detrick表示."Payrolls will take a backseat. Greece and Europe are all that matter right now," Detrick said.

注意,车后座洒下的瓜子壳是他最近一次去缅因州的旅行留下的。Beware, the backseat of this car is pebbled with sunflower seed shells from his recent trip to Maine.