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开始意志消沉,并可能变成永久性的。Demoralization sets in and can become permanent.

但是什么将要做的人们关于残破的婚姻,败坏人心?But What shall people to do about the broken marriage, the demoralization ?

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它会导致政治风波,军队士气消沉以及战略混乱。It tempts a political backlash, military demoralization and strategic confusion.

此刻,这么多的建筑物和人进一步把她迷惑住了。Now , the sight of so many buildings and people completed Prissys demoralization.

在熊市里,一旦突然全?士气低落,你最好赶快平?。In a bear market, it is always wise to cover if complete demoralization suddenly develops.

中国经济的迅速发展,成就的背后也有许多社会问题,比如说道德滑坡。With China's rapid economic growth, more and more problems are emerging, demoralization , for instance.

这些美国国父们所表现出来的冷漠象征了与种族优越感相联系的道德败坏。The apathy displayed by these founding fathers symbolize the demoralization related to racial superiority.

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后苏联时代早期的明显标志是对自我批评的批判,以及普遍的公众道德败坏。The early post-Soviet years were marked by excoriating self-criticism and widespread public demoralization.

倘若其他人也步其后尘,那么华北抗日武装力量的士气势必瓦解。If others followed him there might be a wholesale demoralization of the forces fighting the Japanese in North China.

最近,杰克一直感觉不适应,这种消沉的情绪已经影响到了他的工作成绩。Recently, Jake has been feeling inadequate, and this demoralization has had a damaging effect on his work performance.

道德失范是社会转型期道德建设亟待解决的一大难题。The demoralization during the social conversion period is a big problem to be resolved urgently for the moral construction.

本文研究对象是公民在履行社会责任中的群体败德现象。A topic of this discussion is a kind of collective demoralization when a group of citizens evade their social responsibility.

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这些国家已经渡过了政治的混乱、饥饿、宗教的衰落、贪污和道德的败坏。These countries have tread the path of political confusion, poverty, religious decay, corruption of values, and mental demoralization.

分别从现代学校出现的去价值化、实利化、除道德化和规训化的价值取向来分析现代学校精神气质的异化。Appearing separately from the devaluation, demoralization , benefits and discipline, it analyzes the abnormal of the modern ethos of schools.

除非这项投资能从改进后的方案和加大对成果的控制中得到报偿,否则结果将是幻想破灭和士气低落。Unless this investment is rewarded by improved options and increased power over outcomes, the result will be disillusionment and demoralization.

在统购统销和集体化题材的作品中,出现了许多“思想落后”或道德败坏的刁民形象,被剥夺了话语权的农民受到了双重欺凌。In the literature of collectivization and purchase and sale together, Writers created many image of farmers with draggle thinking and demoralization.

在一种深度的道德腐败中——它起源于失去希望和失去生活有一种意义的信念,生活必然陷入一种生物学的、蔬菜的水平。Amidst a demoralization "in depth, " stemming from the loss of hope and the loss of the belief that life has a meaning, life must sink to a biological, vegetable level.

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这些美国国父们所表现出来的冷漠象征了与种族优越感相联系的道得败坏。学者们也趋向这些种族分化作为优生论存在的证据。The apathy displayed by these founding fathers symbolize the demoralization related to racial superiority. Scholars point toward this racial polarization as evidence of the existence of Eugenics.