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蒂姆不过是在欲盖弥彰。Tim is just being coy.

“凑合活着呗,”麦科伊说。Just keeping alive, M' Coy said.

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“不,”汤姆回答说,“她很腼腆。“No,” relied Tom. “She’s rather coy.

他被这名年轻女子的娇羞笑脸迷住了。He was charmed by the young woman's coy smile.

但是,新学说里,其实是不愿意谈这一点。But the new doctrine, in fact, is coy on this point.

害羞的女孩时常令男孩子捉摸不定。Coy girls often like to play cat and mouse with Boys.

对于预期销售多少1系列车,宝马没有明说。BMW is coy about how many 1-Series it expects to sell.

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其实更适宜的是马维尔的“做他娇羞的夫人”。For more of an edge, try Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress."

这女孩非常羞怯,在公共场合总是窘得说不出话来。As shy as Daphne, the girl is always coy of speech in public.

亚历山大先生对自己的抱负毫不隐讳。Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions.

这是你自己就可以弄清楚的东西,但你是在忸怩作态。This is something you can figure out for yourself, but you are being coy.

当女人向下看向远处看以假装谦恭时,她只是在表现出害羞罢了。When a woman feigns modesty by looking down and away, she's just being coy.

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在接受采访时,他总是羞于表示自己对这家瑞典汽车生产商的兴趣。In interviews, he has been coy about his interest in the Swedish auto maker.

对金氏家族的宣传持续不断,但矫饰过分,时不时又含糊其辞,让人摸不着头脑。The promotion of the family is constant yet baroque and at times strangely coy.

别搞错,微软不再在智能手机市场上忸怩作态了。Make no mistake, Microsoft isn't playing coy in the smartphone market any longer.

迄今,我们的政界对于这些繁杂的事实的表述已经变得明显的含糊其辞。Yet our politics has become strikingly coy about expressing these mottled truths.

所以,对于查普曼一直不怕自我宣传这件事,没什么好惊讶的。So it's hardly surprising that Chapman has been none too coy about self-publicity.

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那个羞答答的微笑依然恰当地挂在那里,但他根本就没在看她,她不高兴地走了。The coy smile was still in place, but he wasn't looking at her, and she left dissatisfied.

在对外推广其价值观方面,这个世界上最大的民主国显得忸怩作态、极其无力。The world’s biggest democracy is coy to the point of feebleness in promoting its values abroad.

中国本来就对捐粮有点支支吾吾,而朝鲜的不知感恩可能又潜在的减少了捐赠量。China coy about food donations, but North Korean ingratitude probably reduces the potential amount.