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这石匠把日期刻在墓碑上。The stonecutter inscribed the date on the tombstone.

“对不起,我办不到,”石匠说,“要是这样的话,违反了一个坟墓只能埋葬一个人的法律。"Sorry, but I can't do that," replied the stonecutter.

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他低头一看,看见在他的脚下有一个石匠。He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stonecutter.

老石匠的手艺很棒,积累了60多年的丰富经验。With over 60 years' of experience, the old stonecutter has outstanding workmanship.

只有石匠,有了好的工具和技术才能让石头变得又有用又漂亮。Only a stonecutter with good tools and greatskill can make that stone useful or beautiful.

从前有一个石匠,他对自己和自己在生活中所扮演的角色都感到非常不满意。There was once a stonecutter who was dis-satisfied with himself and with his position in life.

“当然知道啦,”石匠反驳道,“人们看到会惊呼‘太奇怪了!’”"Certainly will," retorted the stonecutter. "people will read it and exclaim, "That's Strange!"

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他选好了以后,石匠问他,要在墓碑上刻什么碑铭。After he had made his selection , the stonecutter asked him what inscription he would like on it.

具有高效的切割速度,可提高矿山开采率。With a cutting speed and a high efficiency, the stonecutter can improve the mining ratio of mines.

产品特点手拉切适用于墓碑、灯笼等异形加工。The manual stonecutter is mainly suitable for the processing of stones in abnormal shapes such as tombstones and lanterns.

我好像瘦了一点,扮相成熟了一点,学会了化妆和长时间大剂量地放空。唯一学不会的大概就是品尝这**的调调。我好像又更敏感了一些。When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.

当一切看起来无可挽回之时,我跑去看石匠重复锤击他面前的岩石一百次,而那块石头连一个裂缝都没有露出。When nothing seems to help , I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.

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从事石刻30年之久、专研于艺术家新雕塑的创作、旧作翻新及艺术品的迁移,现在,他将着手负责把著名的小美人鱼从哥本哈根海港起运,并最终安全抵达世博会丹麦馆。He has worked as a stonecutter for 30 years and during his career, he has created new sculptures for artists, renovated old ones and moved them from one spot to another.

从事石刻30年之久、专研于艺术家新雕塑的创作、旧作翻新及艺术品的迁移,现在,他将着手负责把著名的小美人鱼从哥本哈根海港起运,并最终安全抵达世博会丹麦馆。He has worked as a stonecutter for 30 years and during his career, he has created new sculptures for artists, renovated old ones and moved them from one spot to another.

宋元君无意中听到了这等新鲜事,觉得很好奇,于是就邀这位石匠到宫里来,请他也依样画葫芦地,将自己鼻尖的白圈砍下来。Yuan, the King of Song heard this rare story. He was very curious about it. Hence, he invited the stonecutter to his palace, and asked him to chop off the chalk on his nose with the axe.

她遗下的船锚被安放于中环海军基地的正门,其后被移至昂船洲,至1997年移交至海防博物馆展出。Her anchor was later displayed at the entrance to the naval base in Central, and subsequently on the Stonecutter 's Island for several decades until 1997 when it was transferred to the Museum.