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他在拥立声中被选为主席。He was elected chairman by acclamation.

在实践中已经以鼓掌方式选举。In practice elections have been by acclamation.

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改革决议经鼓掌通过。The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation.

这个为我才是真正的称赞,这也是我所想要的赞扬。This is the applause and acclamation that I want.

为每一位上台唱歌的人鼓掌。For each one who came to power singing by acclamation.

为每一位上台唱歌的人鼓掌。For every one who came to power singing by acclamation.

女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience.

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在这样的生活,人的自我定义,是指由社会鼓掌。In this way of life, human's self definition is defined by social acclamation.

她以自己独特的叙事话语,完成自己及华裔属性的确立。The particular narrative discourse helps her acclamation of Chinese-Americans to America.

我们永远不能根据掌声响亮的程度来判断民意。We must not always judge of the generality of the opinion by the noise of the acclamation.

抛开总统任职不提,Obama此次获得的竞选提名对他而言似乎意味着全球的赞赏。The nomination, not to mention the presidency, seemed Mr Obama’s not by election but by global acclamation.

“吏隐”向来是作为归隐的过渡阶段,历来吟咏吏隐者莫不以归隐为终结理想。In the history, the acclamation of official seclusion considered living in seclusion to be the ultimate ideal.

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基本法公布后,得到了澳门各界人士的热烈拥护和支持。The Basic Law has received warm support and acclamation from people of all circles in Macao since its publication.

这几句话,从个人的忧心忡忡里道出了大伙的想法,受到了热情的欢呼。These words freed the thought of all from the painful cloud of individual anxieties. It was hailed with an enthusiastic acclamation.

再好的书卷——即使像我手中这个一样——也无法赚得一分钱、赢得一声喝彩。Never has there been a scroll, even such as the one I hold, which earned so much as a penny or produced a single word of acclamation.

第三章乡镇党委领导班子公推直选现实的实现途径。The third chapter the villages and towns party committee management chooses by acclamation the direct election reality to realize the way.

一位大一的蔡同学日前在多益测验得到近满分的高分,日前北上接受主办单位表扬。Recently, a university freshman surnamed Tsai got an almost perfect TOEIC score and travelled north to receive acclamation by the organizer.

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第四章乡镇党委领导班子公推直选的宪法实践创新。The fourth chapter the villages and towns party committee management chooses by acclamation the direct election the theory innovation value.

党内选举制度是依据宪法而来的,公推直选扩大了党内选举的范围。The inner-party electoral system is comes based on the constitution, chose by acclamation the direct election to expand the inner-party election scope.

第五章乡镇党委领导班子公推直选所面临的题目和对策。The fifth chapter the villages and towns party committee management chooses by acclamation the question which and the countermeasure the direct election faces.