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爱好和平的人民反对战争。The peace-loving people deprecate war.

你不应该贬低你自己的价值。You should not deprecate your own worth.

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随着时间的推移,你可能声明不再支持某些旧版本的API。Over time you can deprecate old versions of the API.

我们将匍伏在地上祈求他不要发怒吗?。Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?

老师不应该贬低学生的努力。The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts.

我强烈反对学生们使用暴力。I strongly deprecate the use of violence by the students.

移除或者建议不使用那些没有被广泛实现的或者会不适当影响互操作的特性Remove or deprecate those features that are not widely implemented

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因此,其中也有些认为人力资源这个词语毫无用处。Some of these, in turn , deprecate the term human resources as useless.

和一切军国主义者都反对社会性和政治性的斗争。Some pacifistsand all militarists deprecate social and political conflicts.

某些和平主义者和一切军国主义者都反对社会性和政治性的斗争。Some pacifists and all militarists deprecate social and political conflicts.

智者既不会藐视生命,也不会惧怕死亡。The wise person does not deprecate life nor does he fear the cessation of life.

作为律师,我会反对在现阶段对基因疗法进行任何形式的法律管制。As a lawyer, I would deprecate any sort of legal control on gene therapy at this stage.

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士兵们经常用武力来刁难或迫害学者。Soldiers in this country often use their power to embarrass and deprecate the scholars.

他在最近的一系列比赛中连连得胜,令他的对手不敢再轻视他。His success in the recent series of competitions made his opponents no longer deprecate him.

因此,我疑惑是为什么人们依旧寻找理由与辩解,为什么从未反对过这种观点。So I wonder why people still look for reasons and justifications, why the even deprecate it.

如果采用,那么WebSocket将会代替目前开发者所使用的HTTP长轮询机制。If adopted, WebSocket will deprecate the HTTP long-polling mechanisms in use by developers today.

然而在很多方面,马基雅维利却抨击,贵族阶级的所谓美德,或许这令我们很惊讶。Yet in many ways, Machiavelli proceeds to deprecate the virtues of the nobility, perhaps to our surprise.

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虽然环境没有嘴贬低人类做了什么给她,她会以行动。Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her she retaliates through action.

尽管环境没有嘴巴来反对人类对她所做的一切,她通过行动来报复。Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action.

虽然说环境没有嘴巴不能讲出人们对她做了什么,但她却可以用行动报复。Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action.