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胡安住在纽约,他给住在俄勒冈州的的戴夫写了一封信。Dave lives in Oregon.

她论说我贱视大卫。She told me about Dave.

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戴夫菲尔.沃森的电话。DAVE Phil Watson's phone.

他们已经知道大卫的表演了。They’ve already heard Dave.

我们都是大风扇戴夫拉姆齐的粉丝。We are BIG Dave Ramsey Fans.

只要叫我迪夫大哥就好了。Just call me Big Brother Dave.

你是我的儿子。我,戴夫波义耳的。You ' re my son. me, dave boyle.

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哈里,你去帮一下小戴夫。Harry, you help little Dave. " Mr."

这应该是Dave,Matthews乐队的音乐。I think this is Dave Matthews Band.

其他客人们也会喜欢戴维的。And the other guests will like Dave.

噢,戴夫,你回来真是太好了。Oh, it's good to have you home Dave.

我通过我的朋友戴维认识了高雨。And I know Gao Yu through my friend Dave.

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大伟和苏珊昨晚大吵一架。Dave and Susan had an argument last night.

我们去年写了一稿剧本叫“戴夫”。We wrote a script last year called "dave."

嘿!花花公子戴夫波义耳,你还好吗?Hey ! dandy dave boyle, how ' s it hanging.

莎拉与大卫使用了费洛蒙。Sarah and Dave were wearing the pheromones.

“戴夫,我的思想要没了,”HAL可怜巴巴地说道。"Dave my mind is going" HAL says forlornly.

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戴夫·安德森拥有一份运土生意。Dave Anderson owned an earthmoving business.

不怎么聪明的汤米在蛋糕里搅拌了什么?Where did Not-so-Clever Dave sit on the bus?

戴维说“我附上了两张巴鲁特的照片。Dave says 'I'm attaching two photos of Balut.