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新派神学的衰落和消亡。The decline and death of liberalism.

你如何调和这个选择与自由主义?How do you reconcile this choice with liberalism?

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即我所谓的,霍式自由主义。Let me call it for the moment Hobbesian liberalism.

自由派将他们的希望放在人类的可完善性上。Liberalism placed its hopes in human perfectibility.

德国法学家卡尔·施米特以批判自由主义著称。Carl Schmitt is famous for criticizing the liberalism.

梁实秋是中国现代自由主义文艺思想的代表。Liang Shiqiu is a representative of modern liberalism in China.

所以其特点与贸易自由化不可分割。So its characteristics and the trade liberalism indivisibility.

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他们向世界鼓吹的民主和自由在哪里呢?Where is the democracy and liberalism they preach to the world?

社会主义是张君劢自由主义思想的重要组成部分。Socialism is an important component of Zhang Junmai's liberalism.

对于新自由主义及全球化,他们有甚麽说话要表达呢?What do they have to say about Neo- liberalism and Globalization?

谁说自由主义不过是欧洲中心主义的代名词?Who says that liberalism is just another word for euro -centrism?

司令员要求各级指战员不能有自由主义思想。The commander asked all officers to abandon the idea of liberalism.

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诺齐克是当代古典自由主义的代表人物。Nozick is the representative of classical liberalism in modern society.

第三部分,当代自由主义反乌托邦思想。The third part, dicusses the anti-Utopian thought of modern liberalism.

我们仍相信“进步”,就象西方自由主义懒散地定义的那样。We still believe in "progress", as lazily defined by western liberalism.

这种人对别人马列主义,对自己自由主义。Such people apply Marxism-Leninism to others but liberalism to themselves.

明哲保身是自由主义的表现之一。To be wordly-wise and play safe is one of the manifestations of liberalism.

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对转租的立法规定,世界上存在自由主义和限制主义二种模式。There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.

邦雅曼·贡斯当作为近代法国自由主义的代表性人物。Benjamin Constant was a representative character of liberalism in modern France.

第四部分,当代自由主义反乌托邦思想反思。The forth part, reflects on the modern anti-Utopian thought of modern liberalism.