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这本书你校勘完毕没有?Have you completed the collation of this book?

排序是任何排序算法的核心。A collation is the heart of any sorting algorithm.

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全宗卷是全宗档案的档案。The total records are files of archives collation.

这些数字已准备好,有待列表并核对。The figures are ready for tabulation and collation.

显示所选取资料行的定序设定。Shows the collation setting for the selected column.

第三个使用自定义的西班牙语排序函数。The third uses the custom Spanish collation function.

不能识别的编码序列值,请使用默认值。Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.

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二是对郑注引书情况及校勘方法予以总体分析。Another is going to give the collation method a overall analysis.

样式表和西班牙语排序的例子很相似。This stylesheet is very similar to the Spanish collation example.

但是国会宪法修订者说总统的命令是违法的。But the ruling collation in Parliament said the President's order was illegal.

对字符串数据进行比较并按一定顺序排列的过程称为排序。The process of comparing string data and placing it in order is known as collation.

文章叙述了这些丝织品的出土、整理和研究情况。This article gives a description about the excavation collation and research of them.

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我被贵公司能够自动整理和装订的系列复印机吸引住了。I was quite taken with your line of photocopiers with collation and stapling capability.

这一学派激烈批评狭义校雠学及目录学。This school spared no efforts to criticize the narrow-sensed collation and bibliography.

据测总统大选选票的计算和收集将会花费最长时间。It's thought the counting and collation of the presidential votes could take the longest.

检查供应商文档对实现定义的地区支持和排列支持。Check the vendor documentation about implementation-defined locale support and collation support.

可以认为,我国校雠学就是在对法律文献的整理中奠基的。We can believe that collation study in our country is based on the reorganization of legal literature.

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文章对定陵地宫的发掘经过,及出土丝织品和服饰的研究整理成果作了介绍。This paper presents the excavation, collation and research of those unearthed silk fabrics and garment.

本文从农业古籍角度出发,对利用数字化手段进行农业古籍整理的各个方面进行深入研究。This paper is focus on the collation of agricultural ancient books, and analyses digital means in-depth.

本文对这些碑拓资料的收集与整理以及它们的重要性都作了详细的论述。This paper discusses the collection and collation of these inscriptions and their important value in details.