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试验证明,NW196品种自然诱发MLF的能力较强。The experiments proved that NW196 grape was easy for naturally-induced MLF.

本研究采用人工模拟果酒,研究果酒成分对MLF的影响。The effects of fruit wine constituents on MLF were investigated by manual simulation.

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本文还对MLF接种时间的确定和接种量选择问题进行了探讨。In this paper, the time of inoculation and inoculation levels for MLF were also discussed.

这一计划,对后来的肯尼迪政府产生了深远影响,成为多边核力量计划的蓝本。The plan had much influence on the Kennedy Administration, and it was the blueprint of the MLF.

上述结果表明桑叶总黄酮有干预腺嘌呤诱导高尿酸血症和肾损伤的作用。The results showed that MLF can interfere with adenine induced hyperuricemia and renal failure in rats.

然后将固定化31DH与游离31DH以相同的生物量接种于干红葡萄酒中进行MLF。Then the immobilized 31DH and free 31DH were inoculated into the wine to start MLF at the same biomass.

酒精发酵完成后果酒中营养的缺乏会抑制乳酸菌的MLF。The scarcity of nutrients in wine after alcoholic fermentation would inhibit MLF of lactic acid bacteria.

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在控制好酒精发酵过程的前提下大部分罐都能够自然触发MLF。If alcohol fermentation process was under proper control, MLF would take place naturally in the majority of the tanks.

玛解阵要求民族自决,反对在政治、经济、社会上压迫他们的反动政府。MLF demands self-determination from the reactionary government which oppressed them economically, politically and socially.

因此,有必要根据菌种的营养需求,研制一种发酵助剂以便顺利地完成MLF。In developed wine making countries, most of the wineries use commercial fermentation promoters which are based on nutrition requirements of LAB to inoculate MLF.

自然诱发MLF获得成功,但其效果不如人工接种好,甚至不如控制未产生MLF的酒。Natural MLF was induced without difficulty, but the wine so produced was not so good as inoculated one, even worse than controlled wane which did not undergo MLF.

在橡木桶中完成主要发酵与乳酸发酵后,连同酒渣于桶中熟成15个月,以保有果香风味与显明活泼,以及少量二氧化硫,并每隔3星期上下工翻动。Completed primary and MLF in oak and then matured for 15 months in oak, matured on lees to maintain fruit profile and animation, minimal SO2. Topped every 3 weeks.

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利用数学模型对漏磁信号进行了仿真分析,得到了三维磁通密度矢量图和它的径向分量曲面图,直观地显示了缺陷附近漏磁场的特点。The vector plot of 3D magnetic flux and the surface plot for the radial component of magnetic flux density were obtained, which could show the feature of the MLF near defect expressly.