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他们正在检查垃圾堆中的煤渣,拣出未烧掉的煤块。They are picking over the cinders in the rubbish heap for unburned pieces of coal.

然而,如果体内的睾酮水平持续偏高而无法释放,也会产生严重的负面影响。There is a serious downside, however, to constant levels of unburned testosterone.

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这些过滤装置将未燃烧的一氧化碳含量降至最低,降低空气污染。These filters reduce air pollution by minimizing the discharge of unburned carbon monoxide.

同样,去摄取没有烧过和非合成的食物,因为简单和自然是最好的。Feed it as well with unburned and uncombined foods because that which is simple and natural is best.

过早点燃的燃料的爆炸或内燃机中未燃的废气的爆炸。An explosion of prematurely ignited fuel or of unburned exhaust gases in an internal-combustion engine.

菲利普斯说,变老以后,如果你的卡路里摄取量保持不变,那些未燃烧的卡路里最终都会转化为脂肪。And if you keep your caloric intake exactly the same as you get older, says Phillips, those unburned calories end up as fat.

有额外的助燃空气最小的形成未燃尽的碳氢化合物,一氧化碳和氮氧化物的排放量。Having extra air for combustion minimized the formation of unburned hydrocarbon, carbon-monoxide, and nitrous -oxide emissions.

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在实验室条件下研究了高炉大喷煤中未燃煤粉对炉渣粘度等性能的影响。The effects on slag viscosity caused by unburned pulverized coal during the process of injecting pulverized coal are presented.

S118D辊碾机广泛应用于面少砖、耐火材料、陶瓷、建材等行业的材料混合搅拌。S118D Rubbing mill is widely used to mix the building materials and so on for unburned bricks, refractory material, and crockery.

交替错落的烧焦的橡木和没有烧焦的山核桃木所形成的图案被细致的创建在模板上并提供给了工厂工人。The pattern of alternating burned oak and unburned hickory was meticulously created on a template and provided to the millworkers.

经济成本分析结果表明,用机械搅拌混合方式制作的免烧砖品质好、成本低。The result of economic cost analysis showed that a good quality unburned brick and low cost could be obtained by mechanical mixing.

本发明涉及无碳免烧砖及其生产方法,属于无机材料领域。The invention relates to a carbon-free unburned brick and a production method thereof, belonging to the field of inorganic materials.

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航空燃料充电的剩下的人在燃烧箱的可能单独地包括新和残余的气体,不用未烧过的燃料。The remainder of the air-fuel charge in the combustion chamber can consist solely of fresh and residual gases, without unburned fuel.

为了降低飞灰含碳量,提高锅炉运行水平,运用混合智能技术建立了飞灰含碳量目标值模型。A viable technical solution of optimal value of unburned carbon content in the fly ash was developed by hybrid intelligence technique.

测定燃煤锅炉的未燃碳含量是降低煤耗的重要措施。The determination of unburned carbon content in coal-fired boilers plays an important role in lowering coal consumption at power stations.

这种不烧砖在降低砖的石墨含量后,能够在高温真空冶炼条件下稳定使用。The unburned brick can be stably used under high-temperature vacuum melting conditions after the content of graphite in the brick is reduced.

炉内未燃煤粉存在降低了焦炭的熔损。作为还原剂可取代部分焦炭。The unburned pulverized coal in the furnace will reduce coke degradation and can also replace some amount of coke as a kind of reducing agent.

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用于耐火、保温浇注料、预制件、火泥及修补料、可塑料不烧砖等的结合剂。As binding agent, used for fireproof heat insulation casting material, fabricated parts , fireclay and repairing material, plastic unburned brick etc.

理论和实验证明,缸内高压直接喷射是解决二冲程汽油机燃油短路损失的有效途径之一。The theorys and the experiments proved that the high_press direct in_cylinder injection is one of the effective ways to solve the fuel escapes unburned.

利用焦炭充填床热模型研究未燃煤粉在炉内的行为及对碳消耗量的影响。Study on unburned pulverized coal behavior in a blast furnace and its effect on carbon consumption was carried out by means of the coke-filled bed model.