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你现在的通信地址是什么?And your current mailing address?

她托我寄这封信。She entrusted me with mailing this letter.

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代我去寄这封信你见意吗?Would you mind mailing this letter for me?

你可以给我们的邮件列表发邮件。You can send an e-mail to the mailing list.

邮寄地址将很快公布。FYI, the mailing address will be announced later.

一个可以花钱做广告选择加入邮件列表。One can pay to advertise on opt-in mailing lists.

订阅邮件能少则少。Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can.

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寄给通信论譠发表人的自动回应文。Auto-response text to send to mailing list posters.

你们提供的花销包括邮寄费了吗?。Does the cost you offer include the mailing charge?

本店均以邮寄方式发售,绝不会面交。This store all sells by mailing , not face to face.

我想我一定在某张疯人通讯簿上。I always think I must be on some nutty mailing list.

邮寄地址,市,省,邮区号码及国家。Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country.

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包括日期,你的全名及回邮地址。Include the date, your full name and mailing address.

运送商品比邮寄要便宜得多。Freighting merchandise is less expensive than mailing it.

邮寄费和手续费都包含在内了。It includes the mailing charge and a handing FEE as well.

并且辞职信也必须是正面。Be sure to edit your resignation letter before mailing it.

把她保留在我的邮件列表上,并不会花费我任何东西。It didn't cost me anything to keep her on the mailing list.

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一般情况下,你需要加入他们的邮件列表,Usually there are mailing lists that you have to join like,

能告诉我您的电话号码和通讯地址吗?Could you tell me your telephone number and mailing address?

谢谢您给我通讯地址,我会和您联系的。Thank you for your mailing address to me, I will contact you.