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他脸上挂着汗珠子。His face was beaded with sweat.

她双颊挂著成串的泪珠。Tears were beaded on her cheeks.

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这条珠珠披肩看起来好典雅!This beaded shawl looks elegant!

水气在玻璃上结珠。The moisture beaded on the glass.

成串的汗珠挂在他的脸上。The perspiration beaded his face.

带着杯沿哔哔啵啵的珠状泡沫With beaded bubbles winking at the brim

我额头上的泠汗直往下冒。Beaded drops of sweat stood upon my forehead.

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这女人的长衣缀有银珠子。The woman's long dress was beaded with silver.

露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上。Beaded dew drops stood upon the leaves and grasses.

精巧镶珠饰的包比较适合参加婚礼的优雅服饰。A small beaded bag is wonderful for weddings elegant attire.

我们就再拿那个热爱制作珠宝的人来说吧。Let's go back to the person who loves making beaded jewelry.

各式珠饰棉布,帆布,色丁布钱包。All kinds of beaded purse with cotton, canvas, satin fabrics.

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我穿着华丽的白色无肩带串珠婚纱礼服,小花童为我捧起长长的拖尾。I was wearing a strapless beaded white dress with a long trail.

布鲁斯•奥德菲尔德白色珠饰长裙、梨状颈链和钻石耳坠。White beaded Bruce Oldfield dress, pearlchokerand diamond earrings.

这漂亮的串珠鞋和绣花鞋是送给你的礼物。The beautiful beaded shoes and embroidery shoes are presents for you.

他放下枪,从臀部的镶珠刀鞘中拔出他的猎刀。He lowered it and drew his hunting-knife from its beaded sheath at his hip.

穿上最新的民族服和狩猎装去冒险吧,今春的这些服装包括串珠,动物皮纹以及狩猎夹克。looks this spring including beaded jewelry, animal prints and safari jackets.

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我写这本书是为了激发那些自创珍珠首饰的人的灵感。I wrote this book to inspire people who want to create their own beaded jewelry.

一般来说,用珠子穿连的项链最常用来避开恶毒眼光。In general, beaded necklaces have been most commonly used to ward off the evil eye.

他给我做的衣服上缀满了人造水晶和小金属片。He made me dresses that were all rhinestones and sequins, beaded from top to bottom.