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德国中东部的城市,位于德绍东部的易北河上。A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east of Dessau.

而剩下的可能会花费她一生的时间。One of the later procedures would eventually cost Elbe her life.

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列车在易北河流域沿着闪闪发光的河流疾驰。The train bowls along the valley of the Elbe by the glittery river.

德国中部一个城市,位于柏林西南偏西易北河畔。A city of central Germany on the Elbe River west-southwest of Berlin.

德累斯顿德国中东部城市,位于莱比锡东南偏东河畔。A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east-southeast of Leipzig.

首府德累斯顿因其建筑的华丽和雅致被誉为“易北河畔的佛罗伦萨”。Dresden is called Florence on the Elbe for its magnificent and elegant architecture.

用ELBE处理的动物上述两种酶变化的幅度较小,整个过程也比较平稳。The rats protected with ELBE showed relatively smooth change of the two kinds of enzymes.

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警方动用警力设置隔离带试图将双方以易北河为界隔开。Police used the police tried to set the buffer zone is bounded by the two sides separated by the Elbe.

他无家可归,失眠,而易北河给了他唯一的出路,顺流而下,河水带着他的躯体走向坟墓。Homeless and deprived of sleep, the River Elbe offers the only way out. Downstream, it carries his body to a watery grave.

德国西北部的一个城市,位于易北河河口。它是北海的一个捕鱼港口,又是一个避暑胜地。人口5',977。A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Elbe River. It is a North Sea fishing port and a summer resort. Population 5', 977.

18世纪,当萨克森的国王们把财富花费在把他们的首都变成“易北河上的佛罗伦萨”时,德累斯顿放射出了最亮的光芒。Dresden shone brightest in the 1700s when the kings of Saxony spent their wealth to turn their capital into “Florence on the Elbe.”

18世纪,当萨克森的国王们把财富花费在把他们的首都变成“易北河上的佛罗伦萨”时,德累斯顿放射出了最亮的光芒。Dresden shone brightest in the 1700s, when the kings of Saxony spent their wealth to turn their capital into “Florence on the Elbe.

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这片复兴区域位于占地388英亩的哈芬市,是欧洲最大的城市内部发展项目,正在易北河畔焕发光芒。This revitalized area is part of 388-acre Hafen City, Europe's biggest inner-city development project, rising on the banks of the Elbe.

如果当时罗马文化和拉丁语能够覆盖到易北河,欧洲历史发展的路线图不知道已经发生多少次改变了。If Europe to the Elbe had been shaped by Romanic culture and language, the roadmap of European history would have changed in many parts.

德国中东部城市,临近易北河,位于德累斯顿西北处。早在8世纪时该城已有了瓷器业。人口38,70。A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River northwest of Dresden. Its porcelain industry dates to the early 8th century. Population, 38,70.

联合国教科文组织将德国城市德累斯顿和易北河谷从世界文化遗产的名单上删除。The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO has dropped the German city of Dresden and the Elbe River Valley from its list of world heritage sites.

德国中东部城市,临近易北河,位于德累斯顿西北处。早在18世纪时该城已有了瓷器业。人口38,710。A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River northwest of Dresden. Its porcelain industry dates to the early 18th century. Population, 38,710.

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易北河顺流而下,每年带来大量泥沙,造成河道港区泥沙大量淤积。Elbe River downstream will accumulate substantial silts every year, with the aftermath of the abundant sedimentation in the harbor area of river channel.

乡村容克指普鲁士的贵族庄园主,主要是征服易北河以东地区并在那里进行殖民的德意志骑士领主的后裔。Rural Junker refers to the noble lord of manor in Prussia, mostly the descendants of the lords of German knights, who conquest the east of the Elbe as their colony.

环境保护积极分子称,新建的四行道桥梁将毁坏易北河谷以牧场和宫殿著称的优美景观。Environmental campaigners argue the four-lane road bridge will destroy the beautiful landscape of the Elbe valley famous for its rolling meadows and splendid palaces.