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他的自卑是他升高的凭据。His abasement was the pledge of His exaltation.

他谦卑、恭顺,满怀自我贬斥与压抑。He was humble and meek, filled with self- disparagement and abasement.

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然后,他们重拳自卑和贫困,并会见了来自上帝的愤怒。Then were they smitten with abasement and poverty, and met with wrath from God.

在社会学科体系中,它总是作为二等公民受尽屈辱。In sociological branch system, it always suffers all kinds of abasement as second-class citizen.

随着历史的线性演变,但愿这段屈辱永远成为历史的教科书。Evolve as historical linear, I wish this paragraph of abasement makes historical text book forever.

在目前的最深切的自卑基督的人性,神用最明亮的规定。In the moment of the deepest abasement of Christ's Human Nature, the Divine bursts forth most brightly.

载着屈辱与抗争、光荣与梦想,历史的车轮驶入新的世纪。Carrying abasement and make a stand against, glory and earnest wish, historical wheel sails new century.

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其余的家人-父母和包括西蒙在内的四兄弟-仍留在罗马尼亚,躲避在一个地下室里。The rest of the family — parents and fourbrothersincluding Simon — stayed in Romania, finding refuge in abasement.

人应认识自我,认清导致其高尚或卑下,光荣或屈辱,富有或贫穷的根源。Man should know his own self and recognize that which leadeth unto loftiness or lowiness glory or abasement wealth or poverty.

犹太民族的“贱民”身份以及因自我封闭而导致的极端孤立的现实处境,又进一步强化了卡夫卡内心的自卑意识。The reality of the extreme isolation due to "ragtag status" of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement.

此外,边坡浅层岩体风化导致岩体强度降低,边坡岩体出现蠕变性也是影响边坡稳定性的重要因素。The superficial rock weathering in slope results in strength abasement and rock creeps are key factors that affect slope stability.

根据天主教神学的自卑的字组成的假设人类,同时掩星的神。According to Catholic theology, the abasement of the Word consists in the assumption of humanity and the simultaneous occultation of the Divinity.

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咨询师较低的需要倾向是攻击、表现、顺从、谦卑、异性恋,较高的需要倾向是省察、扶助、变异。The lower needs of the counselors were aggression, exhibition, deference, abasement and heterosexuality , the higher ones were introspection, nurse and change.

阐述了产业组织有关理论、核心竞争力理论、竞争战略理论等有关理论,这些理论为论文的研究奠定了理论基础。The theories, of which are the industrial organization, the core competitive ability and the competition strategy, have laid the rationale abasement for the research.

但是,从几乎任何角度来看我们发现很难理解的是,自卑的难言的以色列领导人,他们的道德自杀视为以色列的希望和精神的存在。But what from almost any point of view we find so difficult to understand is, the unutterable abasement of the Leaders of Israel, their moral suicide as regarded Israel's hope and spiritual existence.