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这并不能解除你的全部责任。This cannot absolve you from all responsibility.

用吸油纸吸油,再放到盘中。Absolve oil with kitchen paper, and move to plate.

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是的孩子,告诉我你做了什麽,上帝会释免你的。Yes, child, tell me what you do, God will absolve you.

不甚慎溅入眼睛中,请用清水冲洗。Why not absolve adopts the eyes, please rinse with water.

时间是我们的真正统治者,它永远不会赦免你。Time is our real dominator, and he will never absolve you.

不好意思了,乔治,历史不能赦免你,我保证!Sorry Georgie, history will not absolve you, I promise this!

设定好时间,手机就会响起来,开脱溜身之用。Set a good time, the phone will be sounded, who slipped to absolve.

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它们无疑无法让美国躲过恢复财政秩序这个必须完成的任务。They would certainly not absolve the US of the need to get its fiscal house in order.

但是华国锋在逮捕“四人帮”中发挥的作用在不久的未来并没有使他免受指责。Yet Hua's role in the arrest of the Gang did not absolve him from criticism for very long.

他透过自白表达出的竭尽全力的诚实并不能令他的恶魔般的狡诈受到赦免。A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession does not absolve him from sins of diabolical cunning.

他的自杀是为他自己和他的人民赎罪,赎取他们在德国进攻南斯拉夫的行动中所犯下的罪行而作出的牺牲。His suicide was a sacrifice to absolve himself and his people from guilt in the german attack upon yugoslavia.

制造业者之查证工作,不能解除客户提供可允收产品的责任…Verification by the manufacturer does not absolve the customer of the responsibility to provide acceptable product.

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为解决由于相机高速运动而导致的图像模糊,利用定点DSP芯片TMS320C6416和维纳滤波算法实现电子稳像。To absolve image blur for high speed camera, fixed-point DSP TMS320C6416 and wiener filtering algorithm were adopted.

至于研究能否为因胡作非为尔收到责备的青少年开脱责任,他说,“那是留给哲学家的问题。”As to whether any study can absolve teens of blame for their antics, he said, “That’s a question for the philosophers.”

秦惠王考虑腹忳年纪大了,又只有这一个儿子,就下令赦免他儿子死罪。King of Qin thought that Fu Tun was very old and had only one son so he decided to absolve his son from capital punishment.

他的忏悔被绝望的虔诚悸动着,但这也不能为他那恶魔的狡诈赎罪,他是变态。A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession does not absolve him from sins of diabolical cunning. He is abnormal.

他的忏悔被绝望的虔诚悸动着,但这也不能为他那恶魔的狡诈赎罪,他是变态。A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession does not absolve him from sins of diabolical cunning. He is abnormal.

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作正确的事是规定,如果有人指使去作错的事,也不能免除他们的责任.Doing the right thing is a rule and, if someone says do the wrong thing, that doesn't absolve them from that responsibility.

强生公司说,关于爽身粉致癌的研究是有缺陷的,而且亦有研究表明滑石与癌症风险无关。Johnson & Johnson says research implicating talcum powder is flawed and points to studies that absolve talc of any cancer risk.

再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.