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就这样,我租了一辆粉红色的机器脚踏车。And so the pink moped is mine.

他整天闷闷不乐地呆在屋里。He moped in the house all day.

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我从助动车上摔下来并擦伤了。I fell off my moped and I got a bruise.

一辆助力车比自行车更吸引人。A moped is more glamorous than a bicycle.

此规格电池应用于电动自行车、电动助力车等。This product used for E-bike, E- moped and so on.

那辆山地车已经被改装成了一辆助力车。That mountain Bike was refitted to become a moped.

他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.

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发现眼镜不见了时他翻箱倒柜找了好几天。He moped for days after he discovered they were missing.

他还介绍说,如果愿意这辆汽车还能变成一辆电动助力车。Or if one prefers it can be turned into moped scooter, he said.

不租一辆机器脚踏车,到泰国的旅游就不算完整。No visit to Thailand's islands is complete without hiring a moped.

莫娜有一辆只值十磅的脚踏车。Mona has just got hold of a brilliant moped that only cost a tenner.

我反对不先试一下闸就骑机动脚踏两用车。I would advise against riding moped without testing the brakes first.

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闷闷不乐地过了几个星期后,我的朋友出奇不意地为我举行了一个生日晚会。After I moped around for a few weeks, my friends gave me a surprise party for my B-day.

有了这款无线电遥控助动车,你将实现你的梦想并且紧跟时尚前沿。Well with this radio controlled moped you can fulfil your dreams and scoot along in style.

如果你住的地方距离酒店比较远,你将需要购买一辆车或助动车以方便你的出行。You will need to purchase a car or moped unless you live within walking distance from the hotel.

瘦弱的小猴在过马路时被一辆摩托车撞到,一时昏迷不醒。A tiny monkey was left momentarily dazed after being struck by a moped while scampering across the road.

如果你不想坐有轮子的车,最有趣的环岛方式之一是驾驶一辆电动自行车或者嘟嘟车。If you're flying without wheels, one of the most fun ways to see San Juan Island is on a moped or in a Scootcar.

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它看起来像我曾经是一个很好的我们可能成为智能都是几天到几周,我也有一个很好的助力车。It looks like I had been a good we could possibly be smart both equally days to weeks and i also had an excellent moped.

中国越来越多的富人们在短时间内从完成了从自行车到宾利,轻便摩托到奔驰的跨越。It is an increasingly familiar story as ranks of wealthy Chinese move from bike to Bentley and moped to Merc in a generation.

地板上陈列着各式各样的电动玩意,有电动自行车、电动脚踏车,甚至还有电动赛车。The floor is also packed with an assortment of electric things including a bicycle, a moped and even a battery-powered racing car.