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只有两位妇女担任大使。Only two women hold ambassadorial rank.

1972年,中英建立了大使级外交关系。In 1972, the two countries established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.

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雷德1月份从大使职位离职,在中国熟门熟路。Randt, who stepped down from his ambassadorial post in January, knows his way around China.

他的重要竞选赞助人如今都住在世界各地的大使豪宅中。His big campaign donors are now housed in sumptuous ambassadorial residences across the world.

潜在的社员包含大使奖学生、扶轮青年服务团及团体研究交换团员。Potential members include Ambassadorial Scholars, Rotaractors, and Group Study Exchange team members.

如今我要以身为扶轮社员的一份子,回馈扶轮基金会,并支助下一代的大使奖学生。I now want to give back and support future generations of Ambassadorial Scholars as a Rotarian myself.

南非外交官弗朗西斯•莫洛尼详诉他的大使的奖学金怎样改变他的生活的过程。South African diplomat Francis Moloi discussed how his Ambassadorial Scholarship changed the course of his life.

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我相信国王一定会帮助到年轻球员的提升,而他作为俱乐部的大使也再合适不过了。He will help at the Academy with the development of players and will also have an ambassadorial role at the club.

冷战期间,中美两国进行了长达15年、共计136次的大使级会谈。During the Cold War, China and the United Stated held 136 talks on the ambassadorial level, which lasted for 15 years.

我个人对青少年的项目和大使奖学金项目是有些意见,希望藉此机会和各位社友分享。I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my thoughts on Youth Projects and the Ambassadorial Scholarship.

我在雅加达设置一个驻东南亚国家联盟的大使级职位就是为了强化这个体制化进程。One reason I have established an ambassadorial post to ASEAN in Jakarta is to strengthen this institutionalized process.

把所有这些会议、报告和项目管理的任务加在一起,才能够大致衡量出大使的“产出”。Adding up all of these meetings, reports, and project-management tasks would give us some measure of ambassadorial "output."

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深陷银行体系和本币汇率崩溃困境的冰岛正出售其位于华盛顿的大使官邸。Iceland, reeling from the collapse of its banking system and currency, is selling its ambassadorial residence in Washington.

俄罗斯和北约自科索沃冲突以来首次举行了大使级会议,经过四小时会谈做出了这一决定。The decision came out of a four-hour meeting, the first at ambassadorial level since Moscow broke off contacts because of Kosovo.

刘翔是受大运会火炬手选拔方可口可乐公司邀请,担任此次活动的形象大使。Liu was chosen by Coca-Cola, the sponsor of the torchbearer selection, to take on an ambassadorial role in supporting the campaign.

总统可以和外国政府签订合约,批准委任大使。He can sign agreements with foreign governments and approve ambassadorial appointments. On bigger issues he defers to the Supreme Leader.

不过,北约一位新闻发言人说塞格根本不该出席该会议,因为这是大使级别的会议。A spokeswoman for NATO, however, said Lavrov was never supposed to attend the meeting because it is being held at the ambassadorial level.

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我第一次作为外交官常驻是在非洲南端的赞比亚,第一次出任大使则是在非洲北端的埃及。My first posting as a young diplomat was in Zambia, a southern African country and my first ambassadorial post was in Egypt, a northern African country.

在北约外长暂停北约俄罗斯理事会大使级或以上后,在8月的军事冲突俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚之间。The NATO foreign ministers suspended the NATO-Russia Council at ambassadorial level or above in August after the military conflict between Russia and Georgia.

中葡联合联络小组于1988年1月15日中葡关于澳门问题的联合声明生效时成立,由双方各指派1名大使级的组长和另外4名小组成员组成,每方还可指派必要的专家和工作人员。Each side designated a leader of ambassadorial rank and four other members of the group. Each side may also designate experts and supporting staff as required.